Sabtu, 10 Maret 2018

Understanding Food Poisioning

Understanding Food Poisioning

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Food poisoning is an acute gastroenteritis caused by the consumption of a food material or a drink which contains the pathogenic micro organism or their toxins or poisonous chemicals.Food poisoning is common in hostels,hotels,communal feedings, and festivel seasons.

A group of persons will be affected with same type of symptoms ,and they give a history of consumption of a common food before few hours.

Types of food poisoning

1) Bacterial food poisoning:

Here the micro organisms called bacteria are responsible.The food material may contain the pathogenic bacteriae or their toxin and will be ingested along with the food.

2) Non bacterial food poisoning:

Due to the presence of toxic chemicals like fertilizers,insectisides,heavy metals and ect.

Since bacterial food poisoning is common it is discussed here.

Bacterial food poisoning:

All bacteria are not harmful.There are some pathogenic bacteria which secrete toxins and cause clinical manifestations.These organisms enter the human body through food articles or drinks.

How food poisoning occures:

1) Presence of bacteria in the water.

2) The raw materials for the food may contain toxins.

3) Premises where the food is prepared may contain micro organisms or toxins.

4) Food handlers may have some infectious diseases.

5) Some animals like dogs,rats may contaminate the food.

6) If prepared food is kept in the room temperature for a long time and heated again can make a chance for food poisoning. 7) Purposely some body mixing toxins in the food.

Some common bacterial food poisonings.

1) Salmonella food poisoning:

There are three different varieties of salmonella bacteria.(salmonella typhimurium,salmonella cholera suis,salmonella enteritidis) These bacteria are present in milk, milk products and eggs. Symptoms of this food poisoning include nausea, vomiting and diarrhoea. Fever is also common.

2) Botulism:

This is the dangerous type of food poisoning caused by clostridium botulinum. The spores of these organisms are seen in the soil and enters the human body through pickles and canned fish ect.Compared to other food poisonings here vomiting and diarrhoea are rare Mainly the nervous system is affected.The symptoms starts with double vision,numbness with weakness.Later there will be paralysis with cardiac and respiratory failure ending in death.

3) Staphylococcal food poisoning:

It is caused by staphylo coccus aureus. These organisms usually cause skin troubles like boils and eruptions.It causes mastitis in cow.Through the milk and milk products it enders and causes gastroenteritis.There will be vomiting,abdominal cramps with diarrhoea.

4) Closteridium food poisoning:

This is caused by closteridium perfringens.They are present in stool,soil and water. They enter the body through,meat,meat dishes and egg ect.If food articles are cooked and kept in room temperature for a long time and heated again before eating can result this food poisoning.Symptoms include vomiting ,diarrhoea and abdominal cramps.

5) Bacillus cereus:

The spores of these organisms can survive cooking and causes enteritis. Diarrhoea and vomiting is common in this infection.

How to investigate food poisoning?

1) Examine each and every person affected.

2) Water sample should be tested.

3) Kitchen, store room and food samples should be examined.

4) The cook and food handlers should be questioned and examined.

5) Samples of vomitus and stool of all victims should be tested to identify the bacteria.

How to prevent food poisoning:-

1) Only purified water should be used.

2) Hygiene should be maintained by all persons keeping contact with food.

3) Workers should use masks, cap and gloves during cooking and serving.

4) Sick individuals should not come in contact with food materials.

5) Kitchen and premises should be neat and clean.

5) Vessels should be washed with soap and hot water.

6) Should not keep the prepared food for a long time in room temperature.

7) All food materials should be kept in closed containers.

8) Animals like dog, cat, rat ect should not come in contact with food materials.

9) Vegetables should be washed before cooking.

10) Meat should be fresh and should be purchased from recognised slaughter house.

Ultimate Guide to Creating a Healthy Grocery List

Ultimate Guide to Creating a Healthy Grocery List

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Health is the only wealth that you can truly pride in. Having said this, it is not enough to know this fact and do nothing; you have the power to make deliberate decisions to promote your well being and that of your family. Eating habits play a critical role in determining this and you can take full advantage of this. Losing weight for fitness can simply begin by writing a healthy grocery list for the next time you shop. The good news is that you do not have to guess what product is good for you; the following guide is designed to help you choose the healthiest options while shopping.

A healthy grocery list should consist of vegetables, proteins, carbohydrates, condiments and others. Varieties spice up life and in this regard, always buy foods that are ideal for your body. The main focus should be on natural unprocessed foods that have the ability to flush out toxins. Vegetables and fruits will top the list with this respect and below are the most recommended products.


1) Spinach

2) Kale

3) Broccoli

4) Asparagus

5) Zucchini

6) Cucumber

7) Cauliflower


1) Apples

2) Blueberries

3) Strawberries

4) Pears

5) Lemons

6) Raspberries

There are many other fruits and vegetables that you can opt for.

A healthy grocery list should also have a selection of protein sources which are able to give you the right nutrition. Unlike what many people think, animal protein is not the best option if you want to lose weight and detox your system. The following list consists of some of the best pure proteins that are ideal for you.


1) Vegan option protein powder

2) Dark Beans

3) Soya products

4) Mackerel

Some people shy away from putting carbohydrates or starches on their list. However, a healthy grocery list is never complete without excellent sources of beneficial starches. The key to eating this group of food is to make sure you stick to whole foods at all times. Look at labels if you are not sure. The following carbohydrate options will be sufficient for you.


1) Classic oatmeal

2) Whole grain bread

3) Brown rice

4) Sweet potato

5) Yam

6) Arrow root

The choice of condiments can contribute to weight loss or gain. This category is composed of spices, additives as well as cooking accompaniments. Never overlook what you are spreading on your whole meal bread. The healthy grocery list of excellent choices is as follows. You will be delighted to know that these options will enhance food taste making your experience a pleasurable one.


1) Cinnamon

2) Chili powder

3) Stevia

Types of Sewage Treatment Plants

Types of Sewage Treatment Plants

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Waste generation is almost like a routine in our day-to-day lives. Household waste which includes garbage or sewage waste that is collected in septic tanks needs to be managed tactfully to minimize the impact on the environment. In many countries, it is a mandatory government requirement for big enterprises to install an STP plant.

There are many types of sewage treatment plants available because a standard type would not suit the requirement of different companies. Some common distinguishing parameters are space requirement, cost constraints, technology preference, etc. Before Look at types of sewage treatment plant, lets know actually what is sewage treatment?

What is Sewage Treatment?

Sewage treatment is a solution or system in which the waste water is treated to make it ready for reuse. To treat the waste water it requires many processes which are stated under:

Sewage water is kept in a tank for many days without any kind of disturbance so that hard sludge or sewage can settle down and other wastes for water like oil and grease can come up on water in a tank.
Then Oil and grease are removed carefully and then they would be processed of further detoxified so that they can be used to make detergents, soaps, etc. And the process to make soaps and more is called saponification.
Then the water is bifurcated into two different tanks. The water of one tank is used for the irrigational method and water from another tank is treated further to be more cleaned.
The final tank of water is treated with scientific and latest technics so that cleaned water can be used for various purpose

Lets look at some common types of sewage treatment plants.

Package Type: This plant can be transported on site in packages and then installed by trained staff members with minimal effort. It is a medium-capacity sewage treatment plant and therefore is suitable for standard complexes. It can make use of moving bed, sequential, or membrane bioreactor. This can be transported easily to the facility where it needs to be installed because colossal parts are not involved.
Civil Type: This type is appropriate for large complexes because it has high capacity. For installing a civil type sewage treatment plant, on-site assembling and installation are required. The parts can be transported but the majority of the work needs to be done on site. The advantage for opting for this type of STP plant is that it requires minimum advantage which is a must for large-scale sewage management.
Container Type: This type of sewage treatment plant has all installation within a container and that is where it derives its name from. Because of pre-fitted mechanism, this just requires an on-site setting and then it can be fully operational. This type of STP plant is easy to carry and install. This is ideal for enterprises that have mobile like camps or for customer-oriented set-ups like hospitality industry where mounting a large sewage treatment plant can cause trouble to customers.
Compact Modular Type: This is the smallest type of sewage treatment plant available and is suitable for small individual residences or commercial outlets. It requires minimum effort to assemble this type of sewage treatment plant. Although this is compact in size, it does not mean that this works anything less than a full-fledged plant. This is as good as other bigger options. It is just the capacity that differentiates this from the other types.

As a commercial complex owner or a residential user, you might want to use the treated water from these sewage treatment plants differently. For example, the water can be used for irrigation if that suits you or for flushing at almost all the outlets. When you select a sewage treatment plant manufacturer, be sure to discuss your specific requirement with them. You would be required to share details regarding the nature of waste, a number of people in your enterprise, space available to fit the STP plant, etc. And all of these details will help the manufacturer guide you to choose the best plant so that the desired output is achieved with minimal investment.

Jumat, 09 Maret 2018

Types Of Plastic Food Containers

Types Of Plastic Food Containers

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Do you plan on using, or already are using plastic food containers to keep your food fresh? Then it is important that you understand the different types of plastic containers there are.

There are two different types, the disposable and the reusable plastic containers. The disposable type are the ones that you use one time and then throw away.

Using this type can get expensive for anyone since you have to keep buying them in order to use them. The reusable plastic containers are the ones that many people prefer.

They help you save money since you only have to buy them one time. Plus, they are easy to clean, which makes them easy to use over and over again.

Another reason the reusable type is chosen is because they are more durable than the disposable. They are made to last for a long time.

Plus, most of the reusable containers can be safely used in the microwave and dishwasher. These are two advantages for anyone these days that have busy lives.

Another thing to understand about the two different types is that the disposable ones are not good for the environment. You can recycle some of them, but not all of them.

Instead, you just keep throwing them away and adding to the environment problem. When you use the reusable type, you will not be contributing to the problem.

You will instead be doing one thing to help prevent more problems. These days, for many people this is just as important as storing food and keeping it fresh.

One other thing to realize is that with the disposable type of container, the food will not stay fresh as long. The reusable type of plastic container is made to have a tight seal with a tight fitting lid.

This is how it helps maintain the freshness of your food longer. If keeping food fresh for as long as possible is important to you, then the reusable type is definitely the better of the two to use.

A last point that needs to be made about the two different types of plastic containers is that the food storage needs you have will also determine the type you use. If you store food on a regular basis, then the reusable ones would be smarter.

For anyone that only stores something once in a while, the disposable ones may be the best choice. Before you purchase any containers, you have to consider your food storage needs.

After learning this important information about the two different types of plastic food containers, you now need to decide which type you will use. Just be smart and check out your container options before making your final decision about the ones you decide to get.

Two Centuries Ago The King of Chefs, the Chef of Kings

Two Centuries Ago The King of Chefs, the Chef of Kings

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by: Geoff Ficke

Created the Modern Gourmet Cooking We Know Today

We live in an age of plenty, when food is consumed and pursued as much for entertainment as for sustenance. Haute cuisine foodie magazines abound. There are television food channels that are devoted to every aspect of gastronomy. Celebrity chefs are as ubiquitous and as famous as actors and politicians. Gourmet food stores have sprouted in every town of any size in the United States. Chains such as Kroger and Safeway have in-store gourmet shops solely devoted to enhancing the preparation and presentation of meals.

As recently as two centuries ago this adoration of food and cooking was unthinkable. For the vast majority of people the only interest they had in food was securing enough nutrition to stay alive. Taste, presentation and assortments of foodstuffs were of no importance and beyond their reality. This changed in the first decade of the 19th century in Paris.

In 1792 Marie-Antoine Careme was born to destitute parents at the height of the violent French Revolution. The parents abandoned the boy and he was apprenticed at the age of eight to the famous patissier Sylvain Bailly. The young boy was ambitious, hard working and smart and Bailly encouraged him to open his own bakery after he had complete his apprenticeship.

Careme opened the Patisserie de la Rue de la Paix in 1813. The shop quickly gained fame and a loyal following. The windows were famous for pieces montees, elaborate constructions famous for their scale used as table centerpieces. Many were designed to look like ruins and famous buildings from around the world. They were as much sculpture as edible food.

As a baker Careme was always experimenting, seeking to push the envelope of presentation, subtle taste enhancements and inventing new forms of cooking. He is credited with creating gros nougats, grosses maringues, croquantes and solilemmes. The famous French politician Charles Talleyrand and Napoleon became fans of his work and he was often commissioned to cook for diplomatic functions.

Eventually Talleyrand hired Careme to work exclusively for him at his country estate. Talleyrand famously presented Careme with a test. He had to devise a menu for a complete year of meals, with no repetition of dishes and using only local, seasonal foodstuffs. When Careme passed the test Talleyrand vigorously promoted his young chef who had turned his attention from solely baking to formal cooking.

After the fall of Napoleon Careme went to London and served as chef de cuisine for King George IV. Later he travelled to St. Petersburg to work for Czar
Alexander I. Finally, returning to Paris and the employee of James Mayer Rothschild, he died at the age of 48. It is believed that Careme died at a young age because he spent his life cooking near open charcoal flames.

It was as chef for Talleyrand that Careme spread the greatest influence. He cooked for the large diplomatic councils that Talleyrand convened. As diplomats returned to their distant countries they carried stories about the wonderful delicacies that Careme had concocted. The upper classes of Europe quickly became enamored and haute cuisine, stylized French cooking became the rage.

Careme is the most influential chef of all time. Many of his techniques and improvements are in use to this day. He invented the famous toque (chefs hat). His creation and classification of the universally utilized four Mother Sauces changed cooking. He pioneered the service a la Russe, serving dishes one at a time as they appeared on the menu. Numerous recipes and cooking techniques are attributed to this culinary genius.

His five part book L Arte de la Cuisine Francais is still considered a classic. It details numerous recipes, plans for menus and tables settings, organizing kitchens and the history of French cookery.

In most major cities around the world, the French restaurant is considered the apex of taste, refinement and luxurious dining. When visiting Paris, especially for first time travelers, the experience of viewing patisserie windows is street theatre. The colors, styles and shapes of the treats are so visually stunning. The pace and style of French restaurants have a cadence all their own. Food is art and life to the French. Marie-Antoine Careme, The King of Chefs, and the Chef of Kings deserves much of the credit for this grand legacy.

Turn Your Love Of Chocolate From A Secret Pleasure To A Fun Social Event

Turn Your Love Of Chocolate From A Secret Pleasure To A Fun Social Event

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Chocolate isn't a Food, but an Experience

Few words evoke the emotional enthusiasm people feel toward chocolate. It has a treasured place in our personal collection of memories - the Easter baskets, the birthday treats, the candy displays at Christmas, the heart that told you someone loves you.

It started young. During our special times, chocolate was there - an integral part of the event. One taste of chocolate (or even the thought alone) makes the mouth water and the emotional associations rush in. It brings back the multitude of fondly-remembered feel-good experiences we didn't want to end.

So a great-testing piece of chocolate inevitably makes us happy inside. Of course, it doesn't hurt that chocolate contains phenyl ethylamine (PEA), a natural substance that's reputed to stimulate the same reaction in the body as falling in love. That's why, even at times when we're feeling down, anything chocolate feels so comforting.

Chocolate is Meant to be Shared

My favorite career was owning The Chocolate Factory in Branson, Missouri. Making chocolate inspired me; it's so apparent that it makes a person's soul happy. My passion led me to create 300 new chocolate products and 26 different flavored fudges (one of which won the title, "World's Best Chocolate" in 1986).

Out of that grew the Chocolate Fantasy events, which are used as non-profit fundraisers. People can't resist the 30 to 40 different kinds of chocolate creations offered. It combines three great things - chocolate, fun, and doing good through the charity. As crowd-pleasing and impressive as those events are, these same techniques can be accomplished by a rank beginner. With equally enthusiastic reactions.

Making chocolate goodies with others improves the flavor - as well as the enjoyment.

Visualize your whole family gathered around in the kitchen, making gourmet chocolates together. Smell that wonderful chocolate aroma, feel the rich texture of gourmet chocolate goodies in your fingers.

Now that's fun! And you're all creating memories you'll never forget, at the same time.

You Can "Do this at Home"

The Old Time Chocolate Cookbook I wrote shows how to make truly gourmet chocolate in your own home, using the tools you've already got. Without prior experience, anyone can create professional-quality results your friends will rave about. You'll reveal out-of-the-ordinary chocolate expertise. All because you grasp the subtle differences of taste and texture between your gourmet concoctions, and what is sold at the store.

Learn tricks that the pros know. For instance, did you know you must NEVER introduce water into the chocolate during the manufacturing stage? A few drops of water will turn a pot of chocolate into the consistency of modeling clay. Why not try a recipe that will satisfy any chocolate craving?

Chocolate Toffee

2 cups granulated sugar
1/4 cup unsweetened cocoa powder
1 cup dark corn syrup
dash salt
1/2 cup whipping cream
1/2 stick (1/4 cup) butter

Line an 8-inch baking pan with buttered foil. Combine all ingredients in a large saucepan. Begin cooking over medium heat, lowering heat as candy thickens. Cook to 250 degrees F. Pour into prepared pan and let cool. Break into bite-sized pieces or cut and wrap in plastic film.

Dazzle your friends and family with your chocolate proficiency. It's sure to raise your reputation, along with your social standing. Best of all, you'll find yourself as welcome as the chocolate masterpieces you create. It's all in knowing how.

Kamis, 08 Maret 2018

Turkish Wines, Best Wine Shop in Istanbul, Best Wine Tasting in Istanbul, Best Turkish Wines

Turkish Wines, Best Wine Shop in Istanbul, Best Wine Tasting in Istanbul, Best Turkish Wines

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Relatively new to the wine scene, Turkish wines are starting to contend with more established wines for their rightful place in serious vintages.  After more than a decade of modernizing winemaking techniques and cultivating indigenous grape varieties, as well as adapting other foreign varieties to Turkish soil, what has transpired has been nothing short of miraculous.  Some Turkish grape varieties had been neglected, close to extinction, recently revived and are now enjoying a spectacular revival some never expected or imagined possible.

Despite Turkey's Islamic roots, the secular society of Turkey continues to enjoy the beverage that originated in their own backyard.  The good news for them is that their own native vineyards are only getting better.  Palates are being educated, taste buds are being tweaked with the improved depth and balance of their own native grapes.  Now it is time to share the bounty of Turkey with the rest of the world.

Here is a rundown of Turkeys indigenous grapes and the flavors you might expect from them:

Okuzgozu (Okuz gozu) is a grape native to the Eliazig Province located north of the Taurus Mountains.
Okuzgozu has rounded, dark colored grapes, which are the largest among the grape varieties grown in Turkey. The Turkish word Okuzgozu literally means "ox eye".
Okuzgozu ages well up to 10 years has a bright red color, reveals intense fruity flavors of raspberry and cherry, and is rich with a well-balanced body with light tannins. It is often combined with Bogazkere, another grape from this region. A wonderful example of this combination is produced by Corvus, (an exceptional winery on the island of Bozcaada) aptly named Okuzgozu & Bogazkere. On its own, a fine example of Okuzgozu is Kayras Terra Anadolu Okuzgozu. carries all Okuzgozu wines. Kavaklidere and Kayra has produced some amazing Okuzgozu wines (sarab)

Bogazkere is a Turkish grape variety originating from the Eliazig Province near the Tigris River in Southeastern Turkey. It has a very dark, red garnet color. On the nose it is very rich and strong with aromas of dried red fruits and spices. Bogazkere is a rich grape -very well structured and strong with and enjoyable finish. Bogazkere literally means "Burning Throat" so with this in mind it is no wonder often combined with the softer, lighter Okuzgozu grape. Kayras Buzbag Rezerv is a beautiful wine that combines the two. Doluca saraplari and Kayra saraplari have produces very good bogazkere wines (saraplari). You can test them and KAVist location in Istanbul Sapphire Shopping mall.
Cal Karas ("Cal Black") is a variety of red wine grape from the Cal district of the Denizli Province of western Turkey. The wine produced from the grape is sweet with berry fruit flavors. Light and sweet, Kavaklideres Rosato is a perfect example of Cal Karasi.

Kalecik Karas is a grape and wine called by the name of area, the Kalecik district of the Ankara Province of Turkey. Kalecik Karas grows successfully near the Kizli River and is used to make some of Turkey's best red wine.
Kalecik Karas grapes are famous for their unique taste, aroma and flavor. It has the color of a ruby stone, is rich, well-balanced, and has an aroma of red fruit, vanilla, and cocoa. It has a light, fresh, and elegant finish. Kalecik Karas has become one of Turkeys most popular and prized grapes. Knowing this, it is hard to believe that the grape was close to extinction. Thanks to a group of Turkish and French vintners who learned the value and potential of this grape, it has been revived into a truly outstanding variety. This unique quality has been honored with several awards won in International wine contests, and has attracted the interest of Turkish wine lovers. Because of high demand, this grape is now also cultivated in other parts of Turkey with similar climatic conditions, such as the high grounds of the Denizli region. All Turkish wine producers have at least one Kalecik Karasi in their line. Kavaklidere has several, from the Prestige label (58TL) to Ancyra (19TL). Kavaklidere saraplari is very well know in Turkey & they have a very large selection.
Of course you will find a wide selection of these varieties at any restaurant, but you will pay triple what you would to buy them at , Istanbuls best wine shop, Istanbuls hottest bar, Kavist is also surrounded by Istanbul best restaurants. You can also purchase them online at ( Kavist has a full service Online Wine Shop in Istanbul) Delivery within Istanbul is 6TL and free when you spend over 99TL. Try some Turkish wines today.

Try The Fajita Recipe To Eat Healthy

Try The Fajita Recipe To Eat Healthy

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Fajita recipe is a healthy eating alternative that grew from the need to make food that was cheap and more palatable. This popular Tex-Mex cuisine originally referred to the beef cut that was used to prepare this dish also called skirt steak. Today fajita recipes are being prepared using varieties of meats like pork, chicken, and shrimp, among others. The meat is typically cooked along with bell peppers and onions, and popularly used condiments include sour cream, shredded lettuce, cheese, pico de gallo, guacamole, and salsa.

The history of the fajita recipe can be traced back to the state of Texas and not Mexico. In the thirties, during cattle roundups, the throwaway items like the head, entrails, hide, and meat trimmings were handed over to cowboys. This actually led to the popularity of dishes like fajitas and barbecues. Commercial sales of fajita recipe only started from 1969 when an Austin meat manager started the very first commercial fajita sale counter.

In 1973, a Tex-Mex eatery called Ninfa's was opened by a Rio Grande valley resident. From this insignificant diner grew a regional restaurant business empire. The German-born George Weidmann next introduced the concept of "sizzling fajitas" which made the Hyatt chain a big hit with the foodies! As time passed, the fajita recipe came to include other types of meat in it, apart from the traditional beef. At present, almost anything which is cooked and then served in flour tortilla wraps is called fajitas.

The fajita recipe is fast becoming a preferred healthy eating option for those cooking at home or eating outside. A primary reason why this item became so popular was that it could be cooked in any manner to suit the palate and you could combine practically any ingredient to make the dish more enticing. Healthy food typically refers to food that is made using less oil, fat, or salt; and in this sense, fajitas are healthy food. The best part about this meal is that you can add as many vegetables to it to make it healthier, something that you are not always free to do in other dishes.

You can include vegetables like cabbages, red cabbages, broccolis, and spinach, and prepare them in a more interesting manner. Such dishes can satisfy even those who do not like to eat them ordinarily, like children who tend to skip vegetables in their regular meals. You need to be imaginative and incorporate them into your personal fajita recipe by including new seasonings and sauces to make them tastier.

The fajita recipe can be made healthier by substituting beef with other meat forms like grilled or smoked chicken, shrimp, or pork. The tortilla used to serve can be prepared from multigrain flour, soy, or wheat flour to make them healthier. Soy is known to be less fattening and wheat makes the fajita recipe more fibrous. Low-fat cream can be used to replace guacamole and homemade salsa dips can make your fajita recipe even healthier. Finally, you can even grill it at home without using excess oil to make the fajita more nutritious. So, be creative and improvise to come up with a mouthwatering fajita recipe that scores high on nutrition.

Trichy Tourist Attractions And Review

Trichy Tourist Attractions And Review

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Trichy (Trichinopoly or Tiruchirappalli) is a city and district of Tamil Nadu having historical and cultural significance. It is also an important tourist destination for its ancient temples, church and protected monuments. Trichy has international airport and there is daily Bangalore to Trichy flights and from other cities of India.

How to Reach Trichy

The Trichy is reachable by rail, road and air. It is advisable to travel by air to reach quickly. There are many cheap and best offer prices on Trichy air ticket through online booking.

Where to Stay in Trichy

There are star hotels and budget class hotels in the city limit and nearby tourist attraction places. It will be wise to book hotel accommodation in advance through online.

What to do in Trichy

The Trichy is prone to tropical savanna climate. The (July to March) is preferable to take a tour to Trichy. The summer months are too hot and not advisable to Tour Trichy. Tamil is the regional language and its people do speak English. It is a tourist friendly place and you can see lot of foreign tourist coming here to see the stunning Dravidian architecture. The Rock Fort is necessary to see, when in Trichy for its withstanding in historical records since a million of years.

Where to Eat in Trichy

The Trichy is famous to serve the Chettinand and Karaikudi style culinary. You can get these culinary in most of the South India hotels present in Trichy. There are hotels, restaurant serving international cousins and multi cousins dishes. Once in Trichy, its will be very tasty to taste foods from street vendors like idli, dosa and parotta.

Nearby Tourist Places in Trichy

Sri Rangam
St Josephs Church
Maariamman Temple
Rock Fort Temple
Amma Mandapam Bathing Ghats
Anna Science Centre Planetarium
Ucchi Pillaiyar Temple
Thala Malai
Jambukeswarar Temple
Puliyancholai Falls
Government Museum, Trichy
Kallanai Dam
Erunbeeswarer Temple
Ranga Nathar Temple
Gunaseelam Vishnu Temple
Lourdes Church
Brahmapureeswarar Temple
Golden Rock
Gangaikondacholapuram Temple
Vayalur Murugan Temple
Tiruvanaikkaval Temple

If you coming from Bangalore then you can check bangalore to trichy flights here. Only Ixigo provides the cheap flights and hotels room .

Conclusion: The Trichy is also a holy place to South Indians and many take pilgrim tour. Many foreigners and domestic tourists come here to see the stone marvels of ancient temples and other monuments. There are many weeklong tour packages to Trichy available at discounted prices by booking online. You can even get discounts on flight tickets to Trichy, if you book in advance. The flow of tourist to Trichy is uncertain and it will be wise to book travel cum accommodation when planning to tour Trichy with your family and friends.

Rabu, 07 Maret 2018

Treats Can Be Good for You! 5 Health Benefits of Frozen Yogurt

Treats Can Be Good for You! 5 Health Benefits of Frozen Yogurt

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If theres one food people can agree on loving, its frozen yogurt.

Frozen yogurt (more affectionately known as froyo) is more than just delicious. Its an easily customizable dessert that comes in a variety of flavors. Some people love it for its taste, but there are more that love it for its health benefits.

Theres no denying that if youre looking for a healthy dessert that froyo beats out ice cream. But have you ever thought about why?

Once you read this post youll know about the variety of health benefits it has to offer.


Tired of drinking milk to get calcium? Treat yourself with some frozen yogurt!

Froyo has an average of 178 milligrams of calcium per half-cup serving, its clearly an excellent source of calcium.

Calcium is well known for its positive effects on bones and teeth, but it does much more than keep them strong.

Calcium intake can help reduce the growth of excess cells in the colon, which in turn could help prevent cancer. Diets high in calcium can also aid in weight loss and help prevent obesity.

Low calories

If youre counting calories it can seem like every day is a struggle to eat within your limits.

If you have a sweet tooth youre limited to only so many options. Luckily dessert fans can rejoice, frozen yogurt is here to save the day.

Frozen yogurt itself is a very low-calorie food, even when its flavored. If youre careful with your toppings and serving size, you can have a nice low-calorie dessert if you choose to eat frozen yogurt.

Improve digestive health

Do you feel like youre sensitive to dairy? Do you miss enjoying frozen desserts?

Frozen yogurt could be the dessert option that youre looking for.

Frozen yogurt is full of probiotics. Probiotics are live bacteria and yeasts that are good for the human body, and froyo is full of the two helpful organisms Lactobacillus bulgaricus and Streptococcus thermophilous.

Those two probiotics can help break down lactose and be easier on the stomachs of people with dairy sensitivities. The helpful bacteria can also help balance the amount of microflora in the gut.

If you look for frozen yogurt that has the live and active cultures seal, youll have a dessert thats great for digestive health.

Froyo has tons of protein

Cookies, cake, and other desserts may be tasty but they dont have much nutritional content. Traditional desserts are full of sugars and carbs, but frozen yogurt is full of protein.

Protein filled snacks can help you feel more satisfied. Frozen yogurt can be the perfect snack for people that need to feel full.

Theres a lot of protein in a half cup of frozen yogurt, more than enough to justify this sweet treat every once in awhile.

Low fat

Satisfying snacks that are also low in fat can be hard to come by.

On top of all the health benefits, froyo has to offer, its low-fat content may be the best.

Ice cream can be very fattening, but frozen yogurt has almost half the fat of ice cream. If you want to make sure that youre keeping your fat content low, you can stick to non-fat flavors.

What health benefits of frozen yogurt do you like the best? Let us know about it in the comments section!

Travelers fascinated by World Renowned Meerkats

Travelers fascinated by World Renowned Meerkats

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Famous for being the worlds largest man-made hole, Kimberly (South Africas historic mining town) is becoming increasingly popular to tourists not only for having been blessed with some of the worlds most precious diamonds, but also for being a sacred haven for the creators beautiful Meerkat species.

The effect of the screenings of Animal Planets Meerkat Manor episodes has ignited a tremendous amount of spectator value and interest in wild Meerkat viewing for tourists from around the world. On the edge of the mysterious Kalahari Desert wilderness is a large concession that is home to more than 70 species of mammal including lion, cheetah and the rare desert black rhino. This historical home of the Bushmen offers a rare but beautiful natural habitat for these small social carnivores also known as the desert Mongoose.

News of these exquisite creatures has traveled far and wide as tourists share their unique Meerkat encounters with other wildlife and travel enthusiasts. Meerkat sightingsare becoming so popular that travelers are making a visit to view the Kimberly Meerkat an essential part of their Meerkat experience en route to their visits to see the Desert Meerkats. Travelers can enjoy the sightings and attractions offered by this famous old mining town which is less than 400 kilometers away from the Kalahari Desert before they continue on to their tour of viewing the Meerkat in their natural surrounds.

The Meerkat adventure begins before sunrise in Kimberley. Travelers enjoy early morning coffee and rusks (a crispy baked dough enjoyed as a typical South African morning treat) in the veld (a South African term for the bush) while watching the sun come up and the Meerkat awakening to another day with a ritual sunbathing session. This is a wild gang of Meerkat and the viewing is done at a respectful distance. After a rustic brunch in the African veld, travelers visit the Big Hole in Kimberly where the middle part of the day is spent exploring the history of this fascinating diamond town.

Afternoon sunsets are then spent with a tame or habituated Meerkat group of orphans. Up close and personal, visitors will be able to get an intimate insight into their social lives and also some great photo opportunities. When the Meerkats go to sleep in their burrows, the visitors bid each other farewell over sundowners and shared memories of an unforgettable day with Meerkats in the Kalahari Desert.

The Kalahari is renowned for having exclusive luxury private and malaria free game reserves situated in the heart of the Northern Cape Province. It offers the ultimate safari experience in elegantly simple surroundings nestled in the red sands of the Kalahari. Star gazing is big in the Kalahari, hot air ballooning too, but the reserve is known across the world as an excellent place for bird watching with more than 200 species of birds some of them indigenous to the arid zone, found in the varying habitats of the reserve. Raptors and in particular, vultures, are very well represented. The most abundant species are the white-backed vulture and the lappet-faced vulture.

Of course the main activity in this Game Reserve is game watching from the private game viewing vehicle or guided walks or horseback trails across the red dunes.

With activities like these one can almost predict that some of the luxurious deluxe facilities available within the reserve would include a well stocked private wine cellar, private plane, high powered telescope (for star gazing, of course), a private chef, a library and a host of other luxuries.

Traditional Vs Open Air Photo Booth- Which is better

Traditional Vs Open Air Photo Booth- Which is better

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Knowing the fact that both open air and traditional photo booths have their own pros and cons, it is, therefore, necessary that one decides it according to the budget and feasibility. 

Today photo booth has become an integral part of weddings, corporate events, and various ceremonies. Most of the people prefer installing a photo booth to make the event a memorable and cherished moment, which is remembered by everyone. The photo booths have become a trend setter and almost everyone is choosing it while organizing a party or an event.

The existence of photo booth has been traced down since the 1880s and since then, they have gone through a number of changes. Early photo booths were generally installed at a particular spot and were merely used for clicking passport size photographs. However, with the preceding time, photo booth rentals became popular and people could easily hire a photo booth for events and social gatherings.

Photo booths have become the limelight of any event and keep the guests entertained as they can click pictures and keep the memory intact with them forever. With the advancement of technology, people have started creating and renting the photo booths. Moreover, the open air photo booth is trending these days as compared to the traditional photo booth.

Usually, an open air photo booth has a camera set-up with an open backdrop and one can choose different settings and styles for clicking the pictures. One can even customize the settings according to the theme of the event. Although, it is a bit technical, however, the rental companies provide a professional to guide about the various trails of the photo booth. Whereas, a traditional photo booth is usually enclosed and there is a privacy in it. 

The open air photo booth caters to allow more guests in the picture, whereas, the traditional booths are enclosed and allows limited guests in the frame. Therefore, many people opt for open air photo booths. Both the photo booths can be easily customized by using different backdrops and props according to the theme of the event.

An open air photo booth usually requires a lesser space than a traditional photo booth and therefore, it is more feasible for any occasion. In terms of price, it is dictated by the number of hours for the rental, type of pictures, and various other essentials which one wants. An open air booth costs more as compared to the traditional booth set up which is usually equipped with everything and requires less money.

Moreover, the open air photo booth is the perfect choice for any event and offers something different and unique than the traditional photo booth. Generally, an open air photo booth is just the backdrop and the camera, printer and a table of props. The backdrops can even utilize "green screen" technology, meaning pretty much whatever one wants it to be, or solids, sparkly finishes or anything in between and generally open booths can be placed anywhere because they take up less space.

The traditional booths are generally simple and do not have any technological benefits. Therefore, open air photo booth rental companies provide with an innovative technology, such as animated GIFs, slow motion video, face morphing, light painting, etc. Moreover, they also provide a live slideshow of all the pictures taken on a screen placed outside and gives access to an online gallery where guests can view, download, and share the pictures. All these perks are generally not available in a traditional photo booth rental. Also, it is necessary to look out for the authenticity before you hire a photo booth rental.

Selasa, 06 Maret 2018

Traditional Food of Nigerian recipes

Traditional Food of Nigerian recipes

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Staple foods in the Nigerian diet include: peanuts or ground-nuts, yams, cassava, fish, rice, okra, bananas, guinea corn and millet, and palm nuts.

They are usually starchy and Nigerians love to cook with a lot of pepper and spices especially those from the southwest and southeast. This recipe uses all local ingredients to create a tasty and nourishing meal.

These recipes celebrate the traditional food of Nigeria: -

Egusi Soup

Ground Egusi seeds give this soup a unique color and flavour. If you can't find Egusi seeds in your store, you can substitute pumpkinseeds or Pepitas, which you can find in Latin American grocery stores. This soup is thickened with flour ground from seeds of gourds, melons, pumpkins, and squashes, many of which are native to Africa.

200 g Water Leaves
50 g Egusi seeds
1 teaspoon Dry Ground Red Pepper
1 medium Onion
100ml Palm Oil
10g Dry Ground Crayfish
120g Fresh Tomatoes
100ml Water
Salt & Pepper to taste

Wash the water leaves well in clean, fresh water.

Liquidise or pulverise the onions, tomatoes and egusi seeds until smooth.
Add the dry ground pepper and fry in palm oil for five minutes.
Add the water, put the lid on and cook for five minutes.
Now add the water leaves, replace lid and cook for a further five minutes.
Finally, add the crayfish and seasoning, warming through well.

Serve with pounded yam or cooked rice and a meat stew, to provide protein.
Alternatively, serve with eba, fufu or any suitable carbohydrate.

Curried Okra

This traditional recipe for Okra (or Okro, as it is called in some part of Nigeria) is one that can be created anywhere in the world, as it uses ingredients that can be found in any local store.

The word "okra" comes from Africa and means "lady's fingers" in Igbo, one of the languages spoken in Nigeria. Although Okra originated from Africa, it is now available around the world. Some people consider Okra alone is too gooey, but this tasty recipe makes good use of it's properties.

When buying fresh okra, look for young pods free of bruises, tender but not soft, and no more than 4 inches long.

500g Okra
2 Onions
180g Oil
3 cloves garlic
2 Tomatoes
2 teaspoons of curry powder
teaspoon of turmeric
Pinch of black pepper
teaspoon of salt

Slice one of the onions finely and fry gently in oil.
Liquids the remaining onion, tomatoes and garlic.
Add this puree to the frying onions.
Add the spices.
Fry gently for five minutes.
Top and tail the okra and cut into pieces about 1cm thick.
Add to the spices and cook gently for 10-15 minutes.

Serve with cooked rice and a meat stew, for protein.

With thanks to the Nigerian people who made us so welcome in their homes, gave us a love of traditional Nigerian food and who helped us overcome our fear of eating with our fingers!

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Traditional Filipino Recipes Commonly Cooked Until Today

Traditional Filipino Recipes Commonly Cooked Until Today

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Being an Asian country, rice is a staple Pinoy food but every region in the Philippines has its own cuisine that is different from each other in terms of taste as well as ingredients. However, there is one Filipino food that is common to every household all over the country that is also a considered a trademark of Pinoy cuisine that is known worldwide which is the adobo. In Pinoy cooking, "Adobo" can actually be defined as a manner of cooking or a process of cooking a certain dish. Several versions of the adobo have been introduced depending on which part of the country this humble dish originates. Its cooking techniques differ from region to region.

This Pilipino recipe is very easy to cook and consist of very simple ingredients. The most common ingredients are chicken, pork (or a combination of both) marinated in soy sauce and vinegar, sauted and seasoned with salt, pepper and a generous amount of garlic. One may add other ingredients like potatoes, pineapple chunks and quail eggs to make this well- loved Filipino recipe even more delectable. However, garnishing added or not, adobo is already a very enjoyable by its own. Aside from chicken and pork, other varieties of adobo are the adobong pusit, adobong kangkong and adobong biya sa gata. In any way one prefers to cook this food recipe, it is an authentic lutong Filipino dish in all its attribute.

There are also a good number of traditional Filipino food recipes that are still popular among modern Pinoy households of today. Although Philippine cuisine has been injected with foreign influenced food like burgers, fries, hotdogs, pastas, donuts and the like brought in by international franchise restaurants. These dishes are mostly unhealthy and go under quick cooking procedures. These are mostly processed food, loaded with msg, batter coated and oily which is not good for the health especially to young children.

For health reasons, many Filipino homemakers of today still prefer serving their loved ones with famous Filipino recipes with healthy ingredients. From Northern Luzon, there are many Ilocano dishes whose ingredients are not hard to find like the saluyot recipe, the bagnet, dinengdeng and the pinakbet. Bicol, which is part of Southern Luzon is famous for their preference for hot and spicy dishes with coconut cream (gata ng niyog) like laing that is made from gabi or taro leaves simmered in gata and seasoned with spicy labuyo. Other Bicolano pagkaing pinoy are tilmok, ginataang labong and kinunot. From the Tagalog region, popular lutong pinoy recipe tagalog are the tinolang manok, bulalo batangas, sinigang sa miso and sinigang sa bayabas.

Famous Visayan recipes include La PazBachoy, Chicken Inasal, Pansit Molo and Sinamak. In Mindanao, fruits like banana, mango and pineapple grow in abundance with the best varieties that are of export quality. Durian, another popular fruit in davao is also used and infused into delicious desserts like durian sans rival, durian cheesecake, durian leche flan and durian ice cream and gelato.
For more information about pinoy cuisine and how to discover more recipes that are authentic Filipino, browsing the net for lutong bahay Philippines and one will be ushered to any recipe one could to think that is Filipino. Filipino dishes are simple in nature with ingredients that are readily available. No complicated spices make up the dish but the flavor is utterly delicious and gastronomically filling. Free Filipino Food Recipes
Website: is an interactive cooking portal site that highlights regional Filipino food recipes.

Traditional Chinese Food Is The Best

Traditional Chinese Food Is The Best

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No trip to China would be complete without getting a real taste of the wealth of foods on offer. Chinese food is famous all around the world, and not without reason. If you're visiting China you'll get the opportunity to try one of the world's most famous cuisines in its traditional way and no one could argue with the fact that it's also the best way.

If you're wondering what to expect from traditional Chinese food then forget what you've experienced in your own country. The real food of China is so much better that foreign imitations pale in comparison. Many Western dishes have been tailored to meet the available ingredients, or in some cases the true essence of the recipe has been lost over numerous years and translations. Whilst sweet and sour is a popular dish in the West, many Chinese chefs wouldn't even dream of cooking it. Whilst sweet and sour still exists in China it's nothing like the sweet and sour that we experience in Western restaurants.

China has a very long history rich with tradition. It is this tradition and history which has given China such a wonderfully rich and diverse cuisine. Whilst civilization in China started at least 7000 years ago records do not date back this far, but what archaeology has shown is that food has always had a central role in the lives of Chinese people. Whilst the food lacked the sophistication of today's cooking there was already a deep consideration for healthy eating.

The Chinese Dynasties saw a huge range of ideas develop alongside an increasing variety of foods. Trade allowed for many more ingredients to be used and the wealth that such trade led to also gave chefs a chance to develop their skills and make money doing so. The best chefs competed with each other for royal approval, hoping to be appointed as royal chefs. The best dishes created by the chefs combined fine food and health benefits for which they received rich rewards.

Those dishes which became most popular became food that the wealthiest across China dined upon. Over time lodges in which travelers stayed became more and more akin to modern-day restaurants and these made the foods which were originally the preserve of the royal and wealthy Chinese available to all. Thanks to modern transportation regional specialties are available all across China, giving an even greater variety of flavors from the vast Chinese country. Chinese food is not only famous for its flavor but also its names. With dishes such as "Phoenix and Dragon" or "Ants Climbing on Trees" much fun can be had in discovering the legends behind the names over a good meal.

One difficulty many foreigners have with ordering Chinese food is the language barrier. Chinese menus are written in Chinese characters - a notoriously difficult language which takes a long time to learn. If you have Chinese friends it's worth asking them to translate, but otherwise you can simply point at what other diners are eating and try food in that way.

Senin, 05 Maret 2018

Tourist Attraction in Bangkok

Tourist Attraction in Bangkok

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This name even before I got to know this city made me think of an image of exoticism, lust, decadence, spiritualism, hospitality, and gastronomy, all in one breath of damp heat!

As in all the images made, there is a fund of truth in these words. Bangkok is what you want to be. It could be a den of immorality if we are interested in fake products, stripteases or something more hard core. It can be a spiritual site with dozens of temples scattered throughout the city, with the characteristic monks in orange robes and shaved heads. It may still be a modern Asian megacity, similar to Singapore and Hong Kong. It can still be the Backpackers' capital city or a place for those who like to eat well!

Bangkok opens the doors to one of the most attractive regions for those who start to make great trips: Southwest Asia, and more specifically Thailand. Its friendly people, prices, paradisiacal beaches, food of different flavours and exotic culture make this area of the globe one of the easiest and most desirable places to travel.

With so much to see, not only in Thailand but throughout the region, the time reserved for Bangkok is not always well deserved. But in the brief passage that travellers make to the Thai capital, there are certain things that are mandatory, to get to know the capital well Here is my top 10

Royal Palace

The Royal Palace complex is arguably the biggest tourist attraction in Bangkok. Crowds of tourists, vendors at the door, taxi drivers, all prove this. Above all, it is the grandeur of this place that, more than a royal palace, is a complex of temples, golden domes, stone and golden Buddhas, statues of warriors that protect this site from a trait architecture Oriental laden, but pleasant.

What pho

Although the Royal Palace is the largest temple complex in Bangkok, the largest and most impressive Buddha remains right in What Pho. Located not far from the Royal Palace, it is in this temple that we will find the giant golden Buddha lying down. The size of the lord is imposing, being a real challenge to capture it in a trustworthy photo of the real immensity.

Boat trip

One thing that evens one who spends a day or two in Bangkok notices immediately is the infernal traffic of the city. One of the best ways to avoid it is, which make regular runs along the banks of the Cha Phraya River. As well as being convenient, especially for those who travel between the Backpackers area on Khao San Road, the Temples and Chinatown area, this boat trip offers incredible views on both sides of Bangkok with its skyscrapers and temples and all Activity along the river. For those who have a little more time, it is possible to take a private boat tour through the narrower canals of Bangkok, on the side of Thon Buri, where you can observe closely the daily life of people who live right by the river.


Bangkok began as village of Chinese merchants, having only become capital of Thailand in 1767, when the seat of government moved from Ayutthaya, north of Bangkok. It is not surprising, then, that there is still a large Chinese community today, and that, as in many cities around the world, it is grouped together in a China Town, characterized by the great luminous panels in Neon, bizarre shops, and all the shambles and exoticism of a Chinese neighbourhood . Losing yourself through the narrow alleyways during the day and going to dinner at one of the many Chinese restaurants in the evening is certainly of the things to do in Bangkok

Khao San Road

If there is a place in the world that can be considered the Mecca of Backpackers, then this place is Khao San Road. Here we can find anything and everything for backpackers, from sleeping for almost nothing, drink by little, and food for nothing! There are massages, travel agencies, copies of books, music and movies, backpacks and counterfeit clothing at the prices we can bargain. There are still driving licenses, student cards, no questions asked. There is above all a lot of partying in the evening when all the travellers return from their excursions to Bangkok and surroundings and want to party, properly accompanied by the Thais who come to this area with a hectic and intoxicating environment. To not lose!

Pat Pong Market

The Pat Pong Market's reputation for the world is fake Rolex and Ping Pong shows. (Ping Pong? Well, do not go into too many graphic details, imagine a strip tease bar turned into a kind of circus where girls perform all sorts of tricks with their ...) If there is a place that puts the decadent in Bangkok Is this (although there are others clear!). But it is obligatory part of who comes to this city for the first time, even if it is to do some shopping! (Attention, this is the place where you have to haggle aggressively.) At an initial price of 1000 you answer 100, and then go away, to get a sense of the true price, when being pursued by the seller with successively lower prices!)

Downtown Bangkok

The Siam Centre or any other modern shopping centre is a good place to realize how Bangkok, alongside the old, poorer, more traditional, more touristy part of it, is a major world city in its own right, and that the Bangkokians May be modern, elegant and that in many things life here is not much different in a large Western city. To get in touch with this world, just take the MRT and above all the Sky Train (the surface metro, which crosses the city on a continuous bridge) and go towards the modern center of Bangkok, the Siam area, where you can enter In the Siam Center or in Central World, two giant shopping centers, with the best known and good world brands stores, people watching and shopping, if budget allows.

Chatuchak Market

Named the largest open-air market in the world, Chatuchak is a weekend market, all day long, offering everything from clothing designers, fake goods, furniture, decor, souvenirs, pets ... all! Count on a good day if you want to explore it fully, although at the end of a few hours you will certainly be exhausted! Ideally select in advance what you want to see, come in the morning, as early as 10am, and take a break for lunch in the excellent Or Tor Kor market.

Sirocco Sky bar

Thailand is a trendy destination for honeymoons, offering paradisiacal beaches, with an excellent range of hotels at reasonable prices (compared to Maldives for example). For honeymooners, or for travellers wishing to try a little more luxuries, a place to go for a drink is the Sky Bar, the bar at the top of Hotel Leboa, with an incredible view of the city, in a clearly chic setting Although very touristy. Prices of drinks very expensive, with a restaurant with prohibitive prices; But for a party occasion, why not!

Sofitel So Bangkok Pool

Another place to taste the Luxury Bangkok is the swimming pool of the Sofitel So Bangkok Hotel. With incredible views under the skyscraper line and under Lumpini Park, the Lung of the City, this is a swimming pool suspended under the hotel's terrace, with a modern, fashionable decor, with a super cosy and welcoming atmosphere. For 700 Bahts per person, it's a small price to pay for a taste of luxury.

Total Living Drink Greens Product Review

Total Living Drink Greens Product Review

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The Total Living Drink Greens is a superfood drink powder formula, made by a company called Kylea Health & Energy.

Superfood powder drinks are one of the fastest growing sectors in the supplement industry. But all superfood drinks are not equal. Like anything, there is a broad range of quality among these types of products. They vary in potencies, ingredients, taste and price.

One of the better products in the marketplace is Kyleas Total Living Drink. It is made up of nine different nutritional categories. The company claims that all nine of these are what the body needs to establish a foundation of nutrition in the body.

The following categories are: protein, superfood fruits and vegetables, probiotics or friendly-bacteria, digestive enzymes, herbs for cleansing and energy, antioxidants, vitamins and minerals. Kylea claims that by taking one scoop of the Total Living Drink Greens, you have all your nutritional bases covered.

The Total Living Drink Greens is virtually unmatched in the industry for a variety of reasons. Most importantly, the Total Living Drink Greens provides 38 grams of nutrition in each serving. Thats more than any other product Ive tried. Most green powder drinks provide approximately 10-12 grams of nutrition per serving. One exception is a product called Living Fuel Super Greens, which like the Total Living Drink Greens, is a phenomenal product. They are very similar in a lot of ways.

One word of caution for anyone who wants to start taking a superfood green drink: the taste can take some getting used to. Because the Total Living Drink Greens uses juice extracts of the fruits and vegetables in the product, the taste is pungent. After I took the product for about two-weeks, not only did I get used to the taste, but I began to crave it.

The benefits of taking a high-quality superfood green drink are numerous. The phytonutrients that are found in superfood fruits and vegetables are among the healthiest substances you can put into your body. The Total Living Drink Greens goes a step further by adding other nutritional panels in addition to the superfoods. As mentioned above, the protein, antioxidants, herbs, enzymes, probiotics and more, make this formula a complete product, and, can be used as a total meal replacement for overall health or even weight management.

Ive personally been taking the Total Living Drink Greens for almost 10 years. Its my personal choice for this type of product. However, Ive tried and have written reviews on dozens of superfood green drinks.

Everyone needs more energy. The problem is that most people have been deceived in thinking that energy is something that is obtained externally. Thats why people seek more energy by drinking Starbucks coffee or slamming 5 Hour Energy. These do not provide real energy. They merely spike the adrenal system. Real energy is obtained by feeding the cells nutrient-dense calories. Energy is created internally not externally. The Total Living Drink Greens and other superfood drinks, deliver nutrient-dense calories to the body the true source of energy.

I would highly recommend that everyone start supplementing the diet with a superfood green drink. After trying dozens of various green drink products, my number one choice is Kyleas Total Living Drink, but there are many other superfood drinks that are excellent too.

To read a complete product review of the Total Living Drink Greens and other superfood drinks, visit my review site and feel free to leave any comments or suggestions.

Top Tourist Attractions in the Bahamas

Top Tourist Attractions in the Bahamas

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From spectacular beaches to expansive golf courses and attractions galore, Bahamas makes for a perfect relaxed Caribbean vacation. The fact that this place experiences 300 days of sunshine is like an icing on the cake. Here is a list of some of the top-rated things to do in the country. Grab some cheap airline tickets and gear up for your perfect Bahamas diaries.

Nassau: Hop on a cheap flight to Nassau and explore one of the most well-known cruise ship ports in the Caribbean. Tourists come here to relax in the sunshine of the Cable Beach and to discover various museums, restaurants, shops and colonial buildings. Shoppers head to Nassau Straw Market to buy souvenirs. Bay Street is another popular attraction.

Salt Cay: Also known as Blue Lagoon Island, Salt Cay is a stunning private island featuring several beaches, a tranquil lagoon along with a variety of land and water activities for visitors to indulge in. Some of the best water sports to whirl in the adventure include sailing, fishing, water-skiing, scuba-diving and snorkeling. The island is also home to sea lions and dolphins.

Clifton Heritage National Park: Spread across 200 acres, the park was established by the Clifton Heritage Authority in 2004. This public park displays the historical and cultural legacy of the African Civilizations, the Loyalists and the Lucayans. Visitors come here to savor the gorgeous natural vistas and enjoy activities such as snorkeling, swimming, fishing, boating, hiking and wildlife & bird watching.

National Art Gallery of the Bahamas: Nestled in the historic Villa Doyle, this art gallery primarily features the national collection of Bahamian art. Erected in the 1860s, the gallery also exhibits late 20th century textiles, pictures, paintings, ceramics and sculptures. The gallery shelters a free public library and hosts several educational and community programs.

Stingray City Bahamas: At Stingray City Bahamas, visitors can get up close and personal with stingrays in their natural habitat. Just hop on a boat to reach Stingray City Park that shelters many southern rays. Referred to as puppy dogs of the sea, southern rays are very friendly creatures and are always seeking attention offering a fun and interactive marine experience.

Tru Bahamian Food Tours: Relish the exotic and vibrant flavors of the Bahamas with Tru Bahamian Food Tours. Soak up the intriguing colonial history and colorful culture, head to the citys secluded spots where you can appreciate the sites of the beautiful old-part of the city and relish some of the finest culinary choices. The tours are hosted by expert guides who take you to ethnic restaurants, distinct specialty food stores, quirky cafes and unique eateries.

Ardastra Gardens, Zoo and Conservation Centre: Score some cheap flight tickets to Nassau and check out this 1937 wildlife center. Situated in the heart of Nassau, this place shelters over 200 animals. Spanning across an area of over 4 acres of lush tropical gardens, the facility features a variety of reptile, mammal and bird species. One of the most prominent highlights of the zoo is the Caribbean flamingo, the national bird of the Bahamas.

Minggu, 04 Maret 2018

Top Tips for Frugal Trips

Top Tips for Frugal Trips

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During these times more and more people are canceling their vacations and road trips, no matter how much well-deserved it would have been. Are you one of those people? Well, times are tough now and most people are so overworked that they want to take a break. If you're wondering if you can pull off a road trip with your family, loved ones or even by yourself well, yes you can!

As with all things, plan ahead to get a general idea of where you're going, the things you're going to do while you're there and how much it's going to cost you. Planning ahead may seem the obvious first task to do but so many people just simply forget to plan and budget or do a bad job on it and lose more money than they plan to.

Reducing Fuel Costs On the Road

First of all you have to make sure that the car you're taking with you on your trip will actually get you there. Remember that a small to medium-sized, fuel-efficient car will do well than a tough and huge gas-guzzler SUV.

* Get your car serviced for a tune-up at least a month before your trip, for your auto to run smoother and checked for fuel efficiency. You can also save money for emergency repairs and frustration, avoiding costly breakdowns while on the road

* Always check maps, search for information for gas doesn't hurt either, but never drive out of your way to get cheaper gas.
* Always pack light and choose lightweight items all the time, because the heavier your car becomes, the more fuel it burns.
* Try to lessen your need for heat and AC, turn it down or turn it off entirely. As much as possible keep driving in highways with a steady speed.

Skip the Hotels

When you're on a road trip embarking on a great adventure, why not go for the whole hog? Skip the hotels and try booking for a campground! Hotels can cost you hundred dollars or more while camping can only set you back $10-$20 per night. There are campsites all over the U.S., most especially near well-known tourist hot spots. Enhance your road trip adventure by sleeping under a blanket of stars.

Pack Your Own Snacks and Drinks

Save money by avoiding popular snack bars, as they have prices that are quite high for simple food like pasta, pancakes and sandwiches. Popular snack bars in rest areas delude hapless tourists, making them pay for a higher price for ordinary food repackaged as their "specials". Keep a cooler and bring drinks if you can. One of the best ideas for drinks is packing concentrated powdered drink so that you can have a liter of iced tea or juice yet don't lug around that weight in your bag. For sandwiches, don't buy prepackaged ones in convenience stores, instead before you leave pack 2-3 loaves of bread, sachets of spreads and your favorite jam, as well as pieces of meat and extra veggies.

Choose Attractions and Activities

Visit online tourist information sites especially if you're barely familiar of the state or county's events and places. You can also visit their info centers as you can get free maps and other information about deals and free events that will save you money.While tourist attractions are great to keep you entertained, the real sight seeing begins with the scenic views.
Kick back, relax and enjoy your special vacation! It's a time to de-stress and get a breath of air to revitalize your body. Road trips are a simple way to get away from it all, and these frugal ways to make road trips cheap helps your budget, too!

Top Three Things You Should Know About Paninos

Top Three Things You Should Know About Paninos

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Are you tired of the usual appetizers served in restaurants or at your home? Would you like to have something different for a change? If yes, then you should try paninos and discover how tempting and delicious they are. (Many people call panini, paninos however the proper name for grilled sandwiches is Panini.)

Panini are gourmet sandwiches stuffed with a variety of meats, cheeses and high quality toppings and sauces. They are often served in restaurants as appetizers. They can be stuffed with just about anything you can think of. If you are still unfamiliar with Panini, here are the top three things you should know about them:

1. Panini are very nutritious
If you want a tasty yet healthy treat, panini can provide you with both. Although they are made with superior cheeses and meats, you can also include vegetables and fruits in your panini. You can add sliced onions, sliced green peppers, sliced black olives, cucumber and pineapple.

2. Panini taste great grilled
Just like your favorite sandwiches, panini taste best when grilled. Make mouthwatering panini by grilling them on low heat for several minutes or until golden brown. Most people prefer using slightly stale bread compared to fresh since it is usually crispier when grilled. Bread that is a day or two old can also stand up to the grilling process better.

3. Panini are the best appetizers
Do you often wonder what to serve company? Panini make fantastic appetizers. You can pretty much put anything in them, even leftovers, grill them before your company arrives, place them on a baking sheet and in the oven to stay warm. Cut them up, place them on a nice platter and your company will be wowed! If you have leftover chicken, make some chicken panini by adding provolone or mozzarella cheese to some ciabatta bread. Throw in some Italian dressing, pesto or hummus and you have a delicious appetizer that will blow your guests away.

4. Panini are easy to prepare
You don't need to be a professional chef in order to make panini. You don't even need a lot of skill. Seriously, panini are probably the easiest food you'll ever prepare. Panini are rarely the same because every time you make them something different will go into them. Leftovers, frittata (omelet), chocolate, etc If you can imagine it, you can make it! You can also surf the Internet or purchase a panini recipe book to help you get on your way.

5. Panini are fun to prepare
You can enjoy preparing panini with your loved ones especially with your kids. Panini are so much fun to make and you can experiment with different ingredients. Cut up all kinds of vegetables, cheese and cooked chicken breasts or ground beef. This will allow your kids to pick what they want to put in their panini. You can make Italian panini, Mexican panini, and even pizza-style panini depending on the ingredients you use.

It helps to know what exactly that panini are Italian sandwiches. It's also great to know the benefits of panini like the fact that you can make them in minutes and that they can be very healthy. Remember that paninos (a.k.a panini) are very nutritious appetizers which are easy and fun to make.

Sabrina Rocca
Author: Easy Panini Recipes
For more great panini recipes and ideas, visit

Top Three Diet Meals Low in Carbs for a Slimmer You

Top Three Diet Meals Low in Carbs for a Slimmer You

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Carbohydrates are a staple in our diet and most people who are compelled to lessen their carbohydrate input find it very hard, especially those raised in rice-eating cultures to resort to low Carb Diet Meals. Even people who dont eat rice but are used to having pasta and/or sandwiches twice or thrice a day have a difficulty letting the carbs go.

And since desserts are primarily carbohydrates as well, dieters are required to say goodbye to cake, ice cream and all other sweet and creamy wonders. But the fact is, to increase your chances of losing weight and keeping it off, you need to let go of starches and grains so that your body will resort to burning up the stored fat thats causing the numbers to add up on the weighing scale.

The default option is to resort to greens and put together healthy salads. This is all good, but you need not sustain yourself merely with green tips and vinaigrette. Here are three balanced low-carb meals to keep your appetite up while your weight stays level on healthy on what is ideal for your height and built.

#1: Chicken Cordon Bleu

It is difficult to go wrong with this dish. It is flavorful and nutritious. And though it sounds rather sophisticated, it is not difficult at all to prepare. The ingredients needed are very basicboneless (and skinless) chicken breasts, sliced cheese, ham slices, all purpose flour, cornstarch, olive oil, chicken bouillon, and white wine. You may also use spices such as paprika and other herbs that you like.

The chicken breast must be thin enough. Ham and cheese slices are placed on the chicken breast slices which are folded and secured with toothpick. The flour and spices are mixed and used to coat the chicken breast with filling. The alternative is to use bread crumbs to coat the assembly after a quick dip in egg.

Use extra virgin olive oil and fry the cordon bleu until brown. You can add the bullion and white wine and cook in low heat for 30 minutes. Let it simmer until the juices have evaporated. Mix the bowl and cornstarch in a bowl and whisk them together. Before serving, make sure that the toothpicks have already been removed and then pour the thickened sauce on the chicken.

#2: Pan-fried or Grilled Steak

A nice slab of beef that is pan-friend in extra-virgin olive oil or grilled on a cheery flame is one meal that will surely fight off hunger. And if you get good protein from an organic farm then you might even forget that youre missing the huge side of potatoes or rice, if thats what you prefer. This dish makes a good lunch or dinner. The mushrooms and peppers add carbs to the meal but the amount is almost insubstantial so you can add them as garnish.

#3: Grated cauliflower or veggie pasta instead of rice

Cauliflower that is grated may not taste like rice but is a great low-carb alternative. In fact, cauliflower almost has no carbs. You may use it as a rice substitute in all your meals.

Another great substitute for rice is pasta that is made from vegetables. This is widely available in health stores these days, and even in major grocery stores and supermarkets.

Low Carb Diet Meals are essential in your weight loss diet plan. Try out our recommendations and find out how delicious they are. They are also well balanced and thus very good for your overall health

Sabtu, 03 Maret 2018

Top Ten Colognes

Top Ten Colognes

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The Top Ten Most Popular ColognesFrom classy fragrances to trendy designer labels, the most popular colognes portray individual personalities. The choices include fresh scented or natural fragrances, spicy scents, and wispy clean or musky aromas that suit a wide spectrum of individual tastes.Each style of cologne contains a unique character that creates a pleasing reaction for some people but may seem repelling to others. The true test comes when the fragrance is applied to check body chemistry and evaluate the lingering effect of the cologne. Packaging and name recognition also add to the complexity of choosing the best men's cologne but a few popular products continue to make the top ten list.Many types of cologne have been in production for years and patrons who purchase these fragrances are often resistant to change. The combination of enjoying the scent and receiving complements triggers the desire to continue to use these classic fragrances. Buyers in this category will often pay more for the product because of the lasting value and consistent quality.The Top Classic Colognes1. Aqua Di Gio by Armani has been a worldwide top seller since 1995. Considered a casual fragrance, the main notes include citrus, rosemary and jasmine. Any product by Armani appeals to the well-dressed and meticulous consumer.2. Burberry Touch by Burberry, known for high quality clothing and coats, attracts buyers who enjoy a noticeable yet classic fragrance. The scent combines spicy notes like nutmeg and vanilla with a subtle musky tone. Consumers who enjoy this cologne prefer an invigorating and lasting fragrance that is easily recognized as a Burberry product.3. Dolce & Gabbana for Homme won awards after its release in 1994 and still ranks in the top selling categories. Truly masculine, the tones of this fragrance include woods, spices and tobacco. This cologne creates an elegant and sophisticated appeal and may be a popular choice for a dressy occasion.The Top Celebrity Designer ColognesIt seems that most men's clothing designers, once they reach a level of fame, often attach their name to a new type of cologne. The marketing techniques for signature fragrances often create sales regardless of the scent because of the celebrity identification or packaging techniques. To remain fresh, designers with proven classic fragrances add a slight variation in fragrance or a new package and color to the group. Consumers who prefer designer label products may pay mid-range prices for the cologne and remain loyal to the fragrance.4. Obsession by Calvin Klein takes male sexuality off the charts. This classic designer fragrance set a new standard in marketing and the overall appeal of the product continues to thrive. From the smooth round bottle to the infusion of intense scents, this cologne reeks of masculinity. Musk, sandalwood and patchouli create an interesting blend with lighter mandarin and bergamot.5. Polo Black by Ralph Lauren is a new twist on the classic Polo fragrances popular during the 1980s. The sleek black bottle with a silver logo and cap looks elegant on any dresser or countertop. This fragrance releases a somewhat sweeter and more intense result than other Polo scents and holds tones of mango and patchouli.6. Dior Homme by Christian Dior follows the sophisticated expression of this signature designer. A combination of unusual tones including cocoa and sage mix with a faint floral hint to make this product appealing to women looking for a man's gift.7. Bvlgari Black by the designer Bvlgari warrants international appeal and is a simple fragrance to wear. The clean tones of juniper, cedar and sandalwood offer a relaxing scent and the cool blue cologne is casual yet elegant and sexy.Top Colognes for the Younger CrowdYounger buyers tend to prefer lighter or more natural fragrances. Packaging techniques such as bright colors, trendy designs and familiar characterization such as motorcycles, cars or sports activities draws attention to the product and creates a younger point of view. Price considerations in this group are often lower because of limited budgets. Younger cologne buyers may be somewhat fickle and jump from one type of fragrance to another. Fortunately, new twists on well known products continue to make the cologne market interesting for all age groups.8. Blue Jeans by Versace. As the name implies, young men feel comfortable wearing cologne that signifies a casual and relaxed lifestyle. This affordable fragrance carries a designer image so it is also a favorite with young professionals for weekend wear.
9. Cool Water by Davidoff International is popular among outdoor enthusiasts who want a refreshing scent after a day in the woods or on the track. A combination of oaky scents paired with natural aromas such as sage and rosemary create a pleasant fragrance that appeals to many men. The masculine appeal of packaging and the non-offensive scents add to the popularity of this product.10. Angel by Thierry Mugler works well for casual wear and seems to appeal to a wide range of consumers making it one of the top sellers. The fragrance projects a light and clean appeal with mint, lavender and coffee, an interesting addition. The low pricing and wide availability also add to the popularity of this product.How to Select the Best Cologne for YouFragrance: If the first impression of the scent is not pleasing, it's better to move on to another product. Normally cologne changes somewhat when applied but the initial and underlying tones will always be present and may get ber. There are definite differences between a casual, daytime fragrance and one that is heavier and should be worn on a special evening. If the cologne wearer uses a fragrance every day, a lighter scent is a better choice particularly for an office or close quarters environment.Packaging: If the cologne is intended to be displayed, an attractive bottle will be appreciated. Men's colognes typically are packaged in subtle colors of black, silver, tan or browns but for a younger man, a fun design in orange or red works well. Cool colors such as blues and greens normally appeal to any age buyer. Colorful bottles in trendy or elegant shapes such as triangles or asymmetrical geometrics get noticed at the fragrance shop and look great at home.Overall Appeal: Colognes vary according to overall tone and some products reflect seasonal qualities. A musky, heavier scent with woodsy tones is a good bet for winter while the remembrance of a sea breeze is appreciated during the summer months. Many products coordinate with a feminine perfume and some types of colognes are designed as unisex products.Although choosing cologne becomes a personal preference, there are three basic factors to consider for anyone buying for a friend or family member.
The first priority should always include a "sniff" test followed by an application if possible to see how the product agrees with body chemistry.Next in line is matching a style and design to suit individual taste.The final consideration, other than price, revolves around the overall appeal of the product including packaging.With the selection of classic fragrances and the choice of new products arriving on the market, every man may enjoy a unique fragrance perfectly suited for their lifestyle and personal taste. Check out this link for more information on top 10 colognes.

Top Reasons to Opt For Desert Activities in Abu Dhabi

Top Reasons to Opt For Desert Activities in Abu Dhabi

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If you have ever wanted to take part in desert safari Abu Dhabi is the place for you apart from giving you an opportunity to indulge in camel rides, archery, desert walk, falconry and other activities. While on one of your trip to experience the desert activities in Abu Dhabi you can take an exciting dune bash or go to a camel farm to ride one of the hardy desert animals. Try your hand at sand boarding, watch a serene desert sunset, and perhaps get a henna tattoo. End your trip with a delicious barbeque dinner and belly dancing show around a campfire at a starlit desert camp.

The tribesmen of Liwa took exquisite pleasure in their hunting abilities. Try your hand at archery; with static targets set for extraordinary shooting ranges, this is an activity both beginners and experts can enjoy. All you want is good upper body strength and an eager eye. Pick from a couple of sessions on the range throughout the day. Limited to 6 visitors consistent with range master and effectively allowing for six shooters in line with a session, an archery activity can take around an hour and a half to finish and is suitable for adults and kids over the age of 8.

Desert Safari Abu Dhabi allows you to sit down and experience the view as your guide takes you on an adventure among a few the tallest dunes around. Halt atop the dunes for a photograph opportunity and learn about the shifting of the dunes and the indigenous plants and animals that inhabit them. In case you are an adventure seeker, then you will very well experience an action-packed 4x4 session as the trained guides of the desert will steer you across the desert dunes. This activity typically takes place in the early morning or late afternoon, to make sure the sand is tough enough to drive on. Dune-bashing is appropriate for adults and children alike where you can go on an adrenaline-pumping journey across the endless golden sandy dunes. This is the reason why for desert safari Abu Dhabi is the popular destination.

Camels are a part of ordinary life in case you live in the UAE. Its common to see them roaming in the distance whilst driving at the highways and camel milk and meat can be seen in lots of restaurants and supermarkets. Step aboard the ship of the desert for an unforgettable adventure throughout the desert. Snap pictures of the camels and with instructions from your guide, take a camel trip throughout the sands. Revel in the desert views from your perch and try your hand at different desert sports.

Quad bike tour in Abu Dhabi is the cutting-edge fad and version of off-road exploration. while there's a lot of sand dunes around and the ride through them is something that satisfies your thirst for adventure and pace. You may derive out of this ride a mixed feeling of nature and adventure and click on some pictures throughout the Quad trip. Quad bike through the ever-changing sand dunes. Quad biking is a favourite sand sporting pastime of Abu Dhabi. It is the favourite adventurous sport of the youth, adults and kids, who are usually on the look out of something adventurous and challenging in their life. Quad biking tempts the globe trotters to visit Abu Dhabi just to get a taste of this adventurous bike riding.

Another thrilling desert journey activity, sand boarding is for the individuals who want to appreciate the beauty of the desert from an extraordinary perspective which of course includes cruising through the sand. Sand boarding is a not an unusual habit on the desert in Abu Dhabi. While carried out under the experts supervision, the pastime is truly safe and quite a thrilling, adrenaline-pumping adventure. So, move ahead what are you waiting for? join the bandwagon of journey guests today.

Top lose weight fast free Guide!

Top lose weight fast free Guide!

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If you want to make a success of lose weight fast and free then you should definitely incorporate elements into your weight loss program that you enjoy. This will help to keep you motivated. What is the use of creating an exercise program that involves getting up early in the morning to go for a jog 6 times a week when you know that you are not a morning person and you hate running! Choose things you find fun. If you like swimming, get yourself down to the pool, if you like to dance, find dance classes in your area. Keep it fun and you will do it more. And another importance thing to lose weight fast free is control your calorie intake everday and always have record of how many calories you have eaten. In other words, you're going to have to keep a daily chart of how much you eat.
Few tips will help you to lose weight fast and free.
Choose a simple chart or book which makes it easy to record information related to your diet.
You may also want to use your calorie chart to determine which foods are healthier for you and which are not. If you drink a soda and eat an apple each day, and you find that you're almost over the daily calorie limit, you could have cut the soda and the apple or eaten less .

The best way to make good the loss is to replace the following meals with a lower calorie count than your daily limit allows you.
At the end of each day, you should total your calories as well as which foods were the worst offenders in terms of large amounts of calories.Make an honest note. Don't cheat. After all the very purpose of the chart is to help you to keep an account of your food intake.
Follow the last tip seriously and you will see the diet chart will actually start working. It will help you to bring discipline in your diet regimen.
You know that the only way to lose weight is to lower your calorie intake than what your body needs, right? Want an easy option for counting calories?
1. Take breakfast cereal mixed with milk or water ( 250 calories )
2. Plus one medium, healthy meal (around 650 calories)
3. add in a salad,vegetables, or fruit (150 calories)
4. Take any snack or a glass low fat dairy milk ( 150 calories )
5. Do exercise if you can

And you have 1200 calories a day just for your diet plan. By taking a few minutes out of your day to keep a count of your calories will easily add years to your life expectancy and make you feel better - healthier in the lose weight fast free process.

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Understanding Food Poisioning

Image source: Food poisoning is an acute gastroenteritis ca...