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Superfood powder drinks are one of the fastest growing sectors in the supplement industry. But all superfood drinks are not equal. Like anything, there is a broad range of quality among these types of products. They vary in potencies, ingredients, taste and price.
One of the better products in the marketplace is Kyleas Total Living Drink. It is made up of nine different nutritional categories. The company claims that all nine of these are what the body needs to establish a foundation of nutrition in the body.
The following categories are: protein, superfood fruits and vegetables, probiotics or friendly-bacteria, digestive enzymes, herbs for cleansing and energy, antioxidants, vitamins and minerals. Kylea claims that by taking one scoop of the Total Living Drink Greens, you have all your nutritional bases covered.
The Total Living Drink Greens is virtually unmatched in the industry for a variety of reasons. Most importantly, the Total Living Drink Greens provides 38 grams of nutrition in each serving. Thats more than any other product Ive tried. Most green powder drinks provide approximately 10-12 grams of nutrition per serving. One exception is a product called Living Fuel Super Greens, which like the Total Living Drink Greens, is a phenomenal product. They are very similar in a lot of ways.
One word of caution for anyone who wants to start taking a superfood green drink: the taste can take some getting used to. Because the Total Living Drink Greens uses juice extracts of the fruits and vegetables in the product, the taste is pungent. After I took the product for about two-weeks, not only did I get used to the taste, but I began to crave it.
The benefits of taking a high-quality superfood green drink are numerous. The phytonutrients that are found in superfood fruits and vegetables are among the healthiest substances you can put into your body. The Total Living Drink Greens goes a step further by adding other nutritional panels in addition to the superfoods. As mentioned above, the protein, antioxidants, herbs, enzymes, probiotics and more, make this formula a complete product, and, can be used as a total meal replacement for overall health or even weight management.
Ive personally been taking the Total Living Drink Greens for almost 10 years. Its my personal choice for this type of product. However, Ive tried and have written reviews on dozens of superfood green drinks.
Everyone needs more energy. The problem is that most people have been deceived in thinking that energy is something that is obtained externally. Thats why people seek more energy by drinking Starbucks coffee or slamming 5 Hour Energy. These do not provide real energy. They merely spike the adrenal system. Real energy is obtained by feeding the cells nutrient-dense calories. Energy is created internally not externally. The Total Living Drink Greens and other superfood drinks, deliver nutrient-dense calories to the body the true source of energy.
I would highly recommend that everyone start supplementing the diet with a superfood green drink. After trying dozens of various green drink products, my number one choice is Kyleas Total Living Drink, but there are many other superfood drinks that are excellent too.
To read a complete product review of the Total Living Drink Greens and other superfood drinks, visit my review site and feel free to leave any comments or suggestions.