Image source: https://i.pinimg.com/736x/22/02/6b/22026b363a96bbea46748de7d6c8c884--bubble-eye-goldfish-funny-fish.jpg
The sense of sight of goldfishes is far more superior to the eyes of a human being. Aside from seeing colors red, blue and green, a goldfish can also perceive ultraviolet light. This ability allows them to have polarized vision and makes them determine a predator and a prey on the water surface despite the reflection problems. However, they do lack iris, hence, they require a little bit more amount of time to adjust in the environment in cases when the light levels change abruptly. It is said that outdoor fish are healthier than those placed inside, who are often deprived of the natural lighting from the environment and imprisoned inside the four walls of a house where they are only exposed to artificial lightings.
There are a number of ways on how a goldfish can hear things coming from its surroundings. Compared to most animals, goldfishes do not have external ears; rather, they have internal ears. Underwater, sound travels three times faster as compared when it travels through the air. Its waves can penetrate the skin of the fish easier and successfully reaches the ears. In addition to the ears, a goldfish can also hear through their swim bladder and lateral line. The swim bladder can produce sounds into their ears up to the extent that even high frequency sound waves can be possibly heard. On the other hand, the lateral line is a system of canals running along the length of the fishs body.
Last one that I would be discussing is about a goldfishs sense of smell. Their nose can perform various functions that are mainly used for survival. They are to find their own food and also search out for mates using their sense of smell rather than their sense of sight. They can also detect upcoming danger occurrences through their noses. Nostrils called nares are the ones that do the trick, although, they are not connected to the orifice as with our case. These nostrils conduct water and carry it to the olfactory receptors. They also have olfactory bulbs which is responsible for their quicker and more immediate response to small stimulations on their surroundings. These split-second responses come in handy when there is a presence of blood or fear comes nearby.
Understanding how your pet see, smell and sea is an important thing when getting some Goldfish Care Info, it sure does helps you understand your goldfish much better.