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While its popularity as a dinner entre is uncontested, meatloaf is surprisingly polarizing- adults tend to either really like it or dont like it at all. Because of its versatility, however, we tend to think that meatloaf haters have probably not tried a winning combination, and while the ingredients you choose have a big impact, so does the way you cook your meatloaf recipe. Here are a few winning tips to make sure you get your preparation right:
Tip #1- Skip lean meats or substitute moisture.
One of the major issues with meatloaf is that is can be very dry. No one wants a mouthful of sawdust, so choose richer types of meat that have a higher fat concentration to avoid this. If youre looking to go lean and want to opt for meat with a lower fat content, like turkey or lean ground beef, be sure to make up for the lack of fat by adding liquids like Worcestershire sauce or ketchup.
Tip #2- Dont over stimulate your meat.
Most meatloaf mixtures are kneaded by hand to incorporate all the seasonings and ingredients. This is fine, but you want to make sure that you are gentle as possible and the mixing is kept to a minimum. By over kneading, you will compress the meat, which leads to an unappealing end texture.
Tip #3- Sautee your veggies.
Sometimes raw vegetables add to a meat mixture, like finely chopped raw onion in a burger for example. This is not the case in any meatloaf recipe, as cooking the vegetables first will extract moisture that is then transferred to your meatloaf.
Tip #4- Use a binding agent.
Every easy meatloaf recipe needs a binding agent, such as breadcrumbs or oatmeal. Failure to add one of these ingredients may cause your meatloaf to crumble. Its always advisable to first soak your binding agent in liquid- beef stock is a great option- so you dont end up with dry spots in the final meatloaf.
Tip #5- Let it rest.
Just like a steak, you should always let your meatloaf rest outside of the oven for at least 5-10 minutes before digging in. This important time gives the meat time to redistribute all of its fluids. If youre impatient, you can lose a lot of moisture and flavor by letting the juice escape the meatloaf.
See any important steps you may have overlooked in the past? Now that youve got the basics, its time to give it a try! Following our easy tips for a successful meatloaf recipe, choose your favorite ingredients, or try one of our favorite recipes below.
Homestyle Meatloaf
This easy recipe combines the goodness of mushrooms, onion and parsley to create a savory meatloaf. The addition of Homestyle Beef Stock makes sure the loaf stays moist and tastes great with a side of mashed potatoes.
Latin Meatloaf
This unique spin on a classic meatloaf relies on the use of jalapenos, bell peppers and olives to give it a fiery twist, while Beef Bouillon and ketchup ensures that the mix stays savory and not too spicy. Try serving this unexpected and completely delicious meatloaf with a side of Spanish rice and a fresh side salad with citrusy vinaigrette.
Meatloaf will never go out of style thanks to its ease of preparation and tasty results. Be sure to use our easy tips and to make sure that your meatloaf turns out perfectly every time. Your family will be happy you did!