Image source: https://crazylittleprojects.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/Candy-Bar-Love-Notes-to-Say-Thank-You.jpg
To give you some ideas, this is an example where an anniversary story has been recreated using a candy story board. A treat is used on the board to replace each capitalized word. Poetic license was taken with both the grammar and the relevant facts, so as to utilize as many pieces of candy as possible. Look at this sample of a sweet story used for the silver anniversary of Hank and Kathy Thomas.
....Kathy Holton moved to California from Indiana looking for her CUP-OF-GOLD in the golden state. She moved to the RED HOT city of Sacramento where she went to work for the phone company. Although Kathy would never earn 100 GRAND, she did survive PAYDAY to PAYDAY.
After years of dating NERDS and GOOBERS with ZERO appeal Kathy found a BIT-O-HONEY when she met Henry (Hank) Thomas.
Hank knew that he could SKOR some points with Kathy by sending her a huge bouquet of roses to her office. "OH HENRY!" Kathy exclaimed. You BIG HUNK, you are the MR. GOODBAR that I have been looking for!" "ABBA ZABBA" thought Hank as he kissed her BIG CHERRY lips. "Marry me, KITKAT and our lives will be MOUNDS of ALMOND JOY. I'll be your SUGAR DADDY and we will have lots of SUGAR BABIES."
Life was GOOD and PLENTY for the Thomas family. As the years went by, the family grew with the addition of the 3 MUSKETEERS, Matthew, Mark, and Luke. The boys had STARBURSTS of energy and loved to play sports. Matthew played baseball but because he had BUTTERFINGERS and often dropped the ball, he switched to soccer where he could SKOR more goals.
UNO that parenthood is a WHOPPER of a job. But NOW AND LATER you can enjoy a quiet CAREFREE life, still SWEETTARTS, holding hands with lots of KISSES while gazing out at the MILKY WAY. Congratulations on your 25th wedding anniversary....
Every Candy story board is different, since each person has a different tale to tell. A good variety of interesting candies is the key to creating a great sweet story. Look for the candy stores or serendipity shops stocking rare or nostalgic candies, and venture beyond the usual choice of candy that is obtainable in most of the stores. A great source of ideas and options is the internet.
Why not give it a try? Your sweet tale will be the highlight of the event!