Rabu, 28 Februari 2018

Top 5 Qualities of a Great Chef

Top 5 Qualities of a Great Chef

Image source: http://slideplayer.com/6345684/22/images/3/What+qualities+make+a+good+leader+%E2%80%93+period+10.jpg

Almost anyone who steps into a culinary arts career aspires to become a chef. Since the competition in the industry is truly fierce, its not a childs play to become a chef with a high-end restaurant or national restaurant chain. It required adequate educational qualification, experience and a wide range of skills. Without having the essential qualities of a chef, you can never expect to achieve professional success in the field of culinary arts.

Lets have a look at some of the most important qualities that make a great chef.

A lot of Passion
Passion is the foundation stone for becoming a great chef. Before you step into this career, you need to make sure that you are truly passionate about working as a chef. The cooking industry is characterized by a fast-paced environment. You should be able to stand the kitchen heat. You should be able to stand on your toes round the clock. You can do it all only when you have a strong passion for working as a chef.

A Keen Eye for Minute Details
One of the most important qualities of a great chef is their ability of paying attention to every minute detail. Your attention-to-detail skills come into play when you start working with tons of cooking ingredients. You need to pay careful attention while mixing a variety of ingredients.

Capability to Experiment
A great chef is distinguished by their quality of experimenting. If you dont love to experiment with new delicacies, you should not be in this profession. While working as a chef, you face new challenges every day. Its your job to keep customers happy and coming in. Innovative skills play an important role in establishing yourself as a great chef in the cooking industry.

Efficiency to Multi-task
If you want to become a great chef, you need to be a great multi-tasker too. While you are in the kitchen, youll be required to handle a wide range of tasks in an efficient manner. Its only possible when you are comfortable with multi-tasking. Apart from cooking, you also need to ensure that customer orders are delivered in time. You may also handle the kitchen supplies. In addition, you will be required to supervise the assistants. There are many more things that you may be required to handle in the kitchen.

Strong Decision Making
Among other qualities of a chef, the decision making ability also has a major role to play. The cooking industry is quite fast-paced. If you are not capable of providing quick solutions to problems, you can easily get yourself into trouble.

Without having the above mentioned qualities, you can never expect to become a great chef. If you want to pursue this cooking career, you should start focusing on these skills as quickly as possible. So, are you ready?

Top 5 Kitchen Nightmares and Hygiene Regulation

Top 5 Kitchen Nightmares and Hygiene Regulation

Image source: https://www.yesss.co.uk/images/products/zoom/1384945813-12782100.jpg

In the UK, the Food Standards Agency has rated every restaurant, takeaway joints and cafe coffee shop and the data is also publicly shared. In fact customers are also talking about the restaurants poor hygiene on social media and forums. Some of them even report to the authorities.

Most of the restaurants strictly follow the food safety and hygiene regulations, but still there are many restaurants who are failing to reach up to the mark and realize that they are not up to the scratch.

Many restaurants in UK are forgetting the some of the biggest causes of poor hygiene and food poisoning.

Hygiene is the most essential part of kitchen and it should not be ignored. The reason of all the kitchen nasty problem such as food poisoning etc. is kitchen being less hygienic. In domestic kitchen cleanliness is not of much concern, as you have to pay the consequences of less hygiene such as bad stomach or food poisoning. But in commercial kitchen consequences can be bad, you might end up with bad customer reviews, less traffic, restaurant owner fined moneys and in long term the business might shut down.

So what are the five kitchen hygiene issues that you need to be aware of?

Grease and Grime

The grease gets deposited and builds up on the work surfaces, machinery and storage areas of kitchen which in turn attracts dust and dirt. Thus to avoid the build-up of grease and grime, every day kitchen should be cleaned thoroughly. The kitchen grease can be cleaned by using the various kitchen de-greasing biological treatment available in market or you can even clean it using hot soapy water. Ideally work surfaces should be smooth and perfect, free from cracks and other imperfections where grease and grime gets build up.

To get rid of all the kitchen contaminations proper cleaning is essential. All the kitchen equipments should be cleaned and disinfected, as well as utensils, cooking appliances, kitchen tops and kitchen grease traps. The cleaning solution and disinfectants used should meet the British standards. The clogged kitchen sink and grease trap maintenance is also a matter of great concern in especially in commercial kitchens. The grease trap cleaning and kitchen sink maintenance should be done regularly to avoid any foul odour or overflow problems.

Vermin on the Loose

The nasty creatures such as rats, mice, ants, cockroaches etc. are not normally welcome in kitchen, the reason is that they contaminate food and spread diseases. By keeping your kitchen clean and tidy you can easily avoid the infestation of vermin. The easy availability of food attracts the pests. So one should avoid drop scraps on the floor, leaving uncovered food.

Wash Your Hands

One of the other common and dangerous kitchen nightmares is cross contamination. Washing hands before you do anything is mandatory. Anyone who is indulge in cooking activity should wash their hand before handling food, in between holding raw food and other ingredients and after visiting the toilet. Your staff should be well trained and should understand what cross contamination is and how to avoid it.

Food Storage Disasters

All the times the food should be stored properly. To avoid contamination from insects and vermin, and prevent the growth of yeast and bacteria meat, dairy and fresh food should be stored in an environment where temperature is controlled or in a sealed containers as required. Raw food and cooked food should be kept separately to prevent any cross contamination problems.

Flaky Walls

Ideally the kitchen should be perfectly clean with spotless wall, floors and ceilings. But practically it is not implemented. It is not uncommon to see the floors which are uneven, tiles which cracked and flaking paints in food preparation area. Such problems can be avoided with the help of regular maintenance and scheduled cleaning. Deal with all the above mentioned kitchen nightmares before they become threat for you.

Selasa, 27 Februari 2018

Top 5 Faster Weight Loss Tips For 2018

Top 5 Faster Weight Loss Tips For 2018

Image source: https://i.ytimg.com/vi/rYrwV-6J1U8/maxresdefault.jpg

Gaining satisfying is a result of slimming down might appear to be an eternity, whichever dieting program you decide to opt for. Here are some good weight loss tips that will help you to lose weight faster, and much more effectively.
5 Suggestions To Accelerate Your Weight Loss Results

The first tip that I will provide you with is usually over looked, but can certainly help quick start any fat burning plan. Ice cold water is really a valuable tool with regards to slimming down fast. I managed to lose 10 pounds within just 30 days, simply by replacing 8 of my usual tea, juice, and soda drinks daily, with water.

My own trainer provided among the best weight loss tactics which i have tried to reduce weight quickly. Reduce foods which are white colored like potatoes, bread, pasta, not to mention sugar! Notice I said scale back! Its never a smart idea to eliminate any food completely from the diet, doing this might actually improve your longing for that specific food. Rather than depriving yourself of the one food, you need to just limit yourself with regards to anything white!

Another natural speed booster for dieting is fiber. Fiber has the capacity to cause you to feel full, for any considerably longer length of time. Usually do not make use of a fiber supplement, instead get it done via your intake of food. Gradually adding fiber for your diet by means of food can help avoid sudden cramping, bloating, and gas. This will help you to lose weight faster, through digestion.

Attempt to lessen the quantity of junk foods which you eat. When dieting you need to really attempt to stick with a lot of protein, vegetables, and fruit to guarantee the fastest weight reduction results possible.

Everybody knows that exercises are necessary for a good tone body, but are you aware that it might actually double your monthly weight reduction? Quite simply, let's state that you lost five pounds without exercising whatsoever.. you might have lost five more simply by adding an easy workout for your daily routine.

Try taking a 30 minute walk a minimum of every second day. Furthermore this increase the quantity of fat you are going to lose, its also a great way to relieve stress!

We have had the opportunity to get rid of over 45 pounds, in less than three months by using these weight loss tips together with an incredible new diet program which i have discovered. This system enables you to drop the load easily by demonstrating what foods to consume, so when to consume them.

Read more and get best faster weight loss tips.

Top 4 Paleo Lunch Ideas

Top 4 Paleo Lunch Ideas

Image source: http://media.tumblr.com/bbbb6e259266488294c465b3a2e9e037/tumblr_inline_mryzfdYzsp1qz4rgp.jpg

Lunch Anyone?

Eating paleo offers tons of great health benefits. Going paleo is more than just eating like a caveman, it's about reclaiming your health by replacing processed foods and grains with more nutrient-dense choices. With these paleo lunch ideas, you won't ever get bored or go hungry.

Spicy Tuna Cakes (Nom Nom Paleo)
Spicy tuna cakes are great because they are easy, can be made ahead of time, and make great left-overs, too. To make the tuna cakes you will need a muffin tin and the ingredients listed below:

3 tablespoons melted ghee, divided
10 ounces canned albacore tuna packed in water, drained
1/3 thinly sliced scallions
2 tablespoons finely minced fresh cilantro
1 cup mashed baked sweet potato
finely grated zest from medium lemon
1 tablespoon minced jalapeo pepper
2 large eggs
teaspoon red pepper flakes
Kosher salt
Freshly ground black pepper
3 medium lemons, cut into wedges (optional)

Preheat the oven to 350 and grease the muffin tins with ghee. Take a big bowl and mix the tuna, scallions and cilantro. Mash up some sweet potatoes and add them to the tuna mixture. Add a zest of lemon, the minced jalapeos, the remaining ghee, and the eggs. Season with salt, pepper, and as many red pepper flakes as you like. Scoop the mixture into your muffin tin and flatten with a spoon. Finally, bake them in the oven for about 20 to 25 minutes. These make a great lunch when eaten with a large side of chopped vegetables.

Tomato Cucumber Salad (Cook Eat Paleo)
Another easy, great paleo lunch doesn't require cooking at all! If the previous lunch idea sounds like too much for you, try this tomato cucumber salad.
To make it you will need:

purple onion, thinly sliced
2 cucumbers, peeled and thinly sliced
2 tablespoons red wine vinegar
4 large tomatoes
cup good olive oil
2 tablespoons chopped fresh basil
salt and pepper to taste

All you have to do is chop up the onion and cucumber and toss with red wine vinegar. Set aside. Next, slice the tomatoes into wedges and add to onion and cucumber. Top with mixture olive oil, salt, basil, and pepper.

Italian Sub Rollup (adapted from Sheknows)
For those who are missing sandwich-type foods, this meal can be a great option. To make the rollup you will need the following:

6 slices deli honey ham
2 medium-sized kale leaves
2 radishes, thinly sliced
1 large tomato, thinly sliced
6 thin slices uncured salami
1 banana pepper, sliced
pinch of oregano

Overlap 3 slices of ham (approximately 2 inch overlap). Top with kale, radishes, tomato, salami, sliced banana peppers, a pinch of oregano, and a little mustard. Roll the ham up. You can add or exchange the ingredients with all kinds of meats and vegetables. They all taste great!

Cuban Sandwich Bowl (Health-Bent)
Another great sandwich replacement, the Cuban sandwich bowl has everything you love about a Cuban sandwich, thrown into a bowl for your enjoyment. Sure, you could take the time and make the effort to create paleo "bread," but with this recipe you don't really need it. You will need:

1 pork tenderloin, about 1 1/2 lbs.
1/2 lb. thinly sliced deli ham
1/2 c. dill pickles, sliced into long strips
4 T yellow mustard
2 T honey
salt and pepper, to taste

Preheat oven to 450 degrees
Prepare pork with salt and pepper.
Combine honey and mustard in a small bowl.

Using the pork loin as the wrap, layer the ham, honey, and mustard on top. Add some pickle slices in between the meat layers, and roll it up. Tie the pork together with butcher's twine. Next, sear the whole thing in ghee or another healthy fat source, over medium- high heat, until a brown crust appears on both sides of the pork loin. Put the loin in the oven for about 25 minutes. Let it sit for a few minutes, then slice up.

It can be hard to come up with easy paleo lunch ideas. We are so used to grabbing something like a sandwich that requires very little preparation. But, by planning ahead and making some of these great items, you can have something ready to go every day. It can also be helpful to keep a supply of homemade paleo mayo and other sauces in the fridge at all times. Enjoy!

Image source: Pixabay

Top 3 Reasons Why People Want to Become Medical Assistants

Top 3 Reasons Why People Want to Become Medical Assistants

Image source: https://www.livecareer.com/images/uploaded/cover-letter-examples-new-design/expanded/administration-office-support-receptionist-standard-800x1035.jpg

With our vast growing economy, jobs are insufficient but the economy continues to grow and the medical field just doesn't stop expanding and growing. Have you always wanted to do something within the medical field but simply do not want to become a doctor or nurse? Well consider taking on the job of a medical assistant. Don't looks down on this position as they are considered the wing man of all doctors and play a huge role in the medical industry. There are many reasons why people would want to become assistants in the medical field.

First, studying is easy and convenient as you can not only do in on campus but you can do it online too. With our advance technology, you can download your lectures and go at your own pace to gain your certification. Having said this, if you are on rocky grounds about taking this path into your future, you could always use the eCampus which many teaching institutes offer to study part time. in addition to that, this subject gives you the advantage to do your own research and explore the internet to look for informative details to help you understand. As this field is one that is pretty much on the surface with no difference in terminology and such, it is easy for you to look up different sources.

Second of all, by placing your future in this line, you can get trained in less than a year and start kicking it in the real way. This is because during the training process, you are not only taught the theoretical side of things, you also get to do many hands on activities which would give you the experience and exposure that you need. This would include doing simple medical things such as drawing blood from a patient, cleaning wounds, bandaging a sprained ankle and moving on to bigger things such as removing casts and sewing stitches. Instead of spending a good 3-4 years in college taking general education classes along with your subjects of interest, medical assisting schools generally focus on training you in the subjects you need to know on a daily basis.

Furthermore, another reason people would want to look into medical assisting is the hot employment rate. This job is one that is at high demand hence there would be no problem in landing a good and solid career, even more if you've got a certificate to show your work quality. By pursuing this career, you are actually guaranteed a job provided you are responsible enough to carry out your duties. This is so because once you've completed your full training course, you would be well off to work in any medical sector doing almost anything that your certificate allows you too. In example, patient care, clinical assisting, pharmacology, medical insurances, bookkeeping, laboratory procedures, therapeutic care and so on.

In conclusion, there are many reasons as to why one should consider heading their careers into the path of medical assistants. Not only do you get to work with a wide variety of people, you also get to pick up many skills along the way from soft skills right down to good informative knowledge.

Senin, 26 Februari 2018

Tonsillolith Or Tonsil Stone - A Smelly Lump Coughed Up From Your Tonsils

Tonsillolith Or Tonsil Stone - A Smelly Lump Coughed Up From Your Tonsils

Image source: http://www.natural-homeremedies.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/07/Coughing.jpg

A tonsillolith, also commonly known as a tonsil stone or tonsil rocks is a whitish/yellow lump, which forms within the tonsil crypts and eventually works its way out where it is either coughed up or swallowed. They can be an unpleasant annoyance at times giving the sensation of a foreign body stuck in the back of the throat and are often associated with bad breath issues and a dry metallic taste in the mouth.
If you squash a tonsil stone between your fingers they give off an awful smell a bit like rotten eggs or vomit. This is because they contain quantities of sulfur-producing bacteria that are found at the back of the tongue, which is often the cause of many bad breath problems. The stones vary in size from tiny up to around the size of a pea, but can be even larger and very uncomfortable in extreme cases.

What exactly is a tonsillolith and why do they form? They are generally made up of bits of food, dead skin cells, dead white blood cells, saliva and sulfur-producing bacteria that collect in crevices found in the tonsils. Over time they gradually get larger until they finally dislodge and fall out. There are some who try to squeeze them out using a moistened cotton bud but this tends to make you gag and can lead to soreness of the tonsils if you are not careful.

Tonsil stones are more common in adults than in children and tend to turn into more of a noticeable problem during later teenage years. They only normally materialize in individuals who still have their tonsils but this does not mean you should take drastic action to have your tonsils removed. It is estimated that around a quarter of all adults who still have their tonsils suffer from this condition at sometime during their lives. Symptoms can be a dry metallic taste in the mouth, sore throat, repeatedly coughing to clear the throat, referred ear pain or itching within the ear, bad breath and of course coughing up the tonsilloliths.

It does not make any difference if you have good dental hygiene, this in itself will not get rid of tonsil stones. At best, toothpaste, mouthwash or mints may mask any bad odours for a couple of hours but will do nothing to combat and eliminate your problem for good. The only way is to fight back and use a quality tonsil stones treatment plan. You need to get hold of the best cure available and give it a go.

The main problem more often than not is people are naturally lazy and put off doing something positive about their disorder for another day. This day never comes and they carry on through life just complaining rather than doing. If you have a problem with a tonsillolith or tonsil stone and don't want to waste any more time, then do something positive now, don't be one of those who leave it for another day. There is a solution to your problem and it's worth giving it a try.

If you would like more valuable information on how to get rid of tonsil stones, please visit: www.tonsil-stones-cure.com

John Reece is the writer and editor of Tonsil Stones Cure. He has personally suffered with Tonsilloliths for many years and for this reason created a site dedicated to the treatment and prevention of Tonsil Stones. For further beneficial advise please visit: How To Get Rid Of Tonsil Stones

Tommy Bahama Bedding Goes Casual

Tommy Bahama Bedding Goes Casual

Image source: https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/65/d8/f0/65d8f09d5ad043f8df41c6cd466d3019.jpg

The word tropical is synonymous with designer Tommy Bahama, who is famous for island inspired patterns and colors. Palm trees and island flowers adorn his famous fabrics from shirts to bedding. Whenever I wear one of my Tommy Bahama outfits, I feel as though I have been transported to one of my favorite beaches in the world where swaying coconut trees line nine miles of white sandy beach. Great clothing set aside, Tommy Bahama is also well known for his bedding collections, which can be truly a gift to give oneself. On one end of the spectrum, the fabrics and colors are resplendent with island imagery while the other end of the collection brings a cool, calm, light energy to a room.

A few of my personal favorite Tommy Bahama casual bedding pieces include the cool through the night pillow and the summer lightweight blanket. My summer bedding is simple in color, all white, but truly elegant to sink into after a long, hot summer day. Everything from the mattress pad, sateen sheets, down alternative blanket and pillows are expertly made in the USA and the workmanship is the highest quality. My casual Tommy Bahama bed linens, though not covered with signature palm trees, really do make me feel as though my bed is my personal oasis.

Many of the pieces in the Tommy Bahama casual bedding collection are made with Tencel Lyocell. This fabric is made from Eucalyptus trees and harvested using sustainable practices. The fabric is woven in a closed loop spinning process giving the finished product a silky, smooth finish. The cool through the night pillow casing is Tencel Lyocell, which repels moisture and keeps the pillow cool to the touch throughout hot summer nights. The lightweight blanket is made from the same fabric and filled with primaloft, a hypoallergenic down-like product. All of these bedding accessories can be washed and dried at home and continue to get softer with age.

A good friend of mine recently moved to an island in the Caribbean where palm trees and sandy beaches stretch for miles in each direction. Not wanting to overdo the palm tree theme in her island home, she decided to go with the casual, lightweight Tommy Bahama bedding. Evidently, when her new friends toured her bedroom, they insisted she give them the information where they, too, could order their casual bedding. I guess the Internet order lines to the states were on fire with all of the orders coming from the island! The secret is out! Tommy Bahama bedding can be found online and often is offered at manufacturer direct prices.

If you are looking to turn your bedroom in to your idea of paradise, start with this wonderful collection of Tommy Bahama bedding. Your online order will be handled expertly and shipped quickly. In a matter of days, you will be slipping into your bed, adorned with casually sophisticated bedding. Allow your summer dreams to take you to your favorite place in the world while you sleep the night away.

Tomato Varieties In The News

Tomato Varieties In The News

Image source: http://www.waldeneffect.org/20130808newtomatovariety.jpg

When we were younger, Tomatoes seemed to taste better. Tomato varieties in the news are making headlines again. As I live in New Jersey we always called them (and still do) Jersey Tomatoes. They were not just any old tomatoes. Mostly the Ramapo Tomato developed by Rutgers University in New Jersey, which has a very large agricultural experimental division.

The Ramapo was originally introduced in 1968 and became a very common tomato for the food industry as well as the home gardener. Then in the late 1970's to early 1980's the tomato was found to be too soft and not firm enough for shipping however it continued to be loved by home gardeners. Then it started to lose its taste and the plants began to develop some fungus. Gradually its use dwindled to the point that it was not available for many years.

A few years ago some of the original parent seeds were discovered and sent from a geneticist here to an Israeli company that breeds plants in a desert environment free from all fungus etc. They were able over a period of years to create a new hybrid of the Ramapo.

So our Ramapo is back again. called Ramapo F1 Hybrid it began to be available in 2008. In 2010 after reading some articles about it, I was very lucky to find some at a nursery in my area. I thought they were very tasty again and a beautiful tomato.

The Grower told me that the seeds had been given to only a few nurseries the 1st few years. Last year I tried to find some and could not because my growing season began late due to rains and they were already gone.

This year they may be difficult to find again because there was a seed crop failure. However I will be looking for them. The seed packets are already sold out( February)from the official State source..

{Many of these facts came from a NY Times article by Judith Moskin written in 7-23-2008}

Another of the tomato varieties in the news that was redeveloped is the Moreton F1 Hybrid. It is another tasty tomato that fell out of interest after being called a "Jersey Tomato" some years ago.

Both of these are available to growers this year. If you live in NJ check your nurseries for seedlings.

The Ramapo is a Semi Determinate plant( Compact) Early season, Resistant to Fusarium Wilt,Matures in about 80 days and can have large fruit.

The Moreton is an indeterminate that keeps on growing and flowering all season and needs staking, Medium to large fruit,matures in about 70 days, Resistant to Verticcillium. The Seeds are treated.

Hoping this gives you a start to your new growing season.

Minggu, 25 Februari 2018

Toastmaster Waffle Maker Is Perfect For Your Kitchen

Toastmaster Waffle Maker Is Perfect For Your Kitchen

Image source: http://acimg.auctivacommerce.com/imgdata/0/2/1/7/1/8/webimg/5202362.jpg

Whether or not served with maple syrup, honey or with fruits, waffles are an excellent choice for breakfast. People, young and old are fond of waffles and relish it completely. It draws people from everywhere for its delicious aroma from where it is being made. The sweet fragrance makes everyone weak in his or her knees and mouth. Toastmaster waffle maker is a known brand in the market that helps you to bake yummy Belgian waffles with ease at home. There are various models available from the Toastmaster brand. You could check them out and compare the features and prices before buying them.
The waffle makers from Toastmaster produce superior quality. Toastmaster is a sound brand. You could check this out by reading the positive feedback given by its users and customers all over the world. The customers are happy with how the Toastmaker brand makes its waffles. Many have approved its products. The company makes evenly browned waffles that are sure to entice your taste buds. Features of the waffle maker:

Makes amazing round plate-sized Belgian waffles
This machine is auto temperature controlled
The waffle maker is provided with a signal light that notifies when it is ready to be used
The insides are made up of durable non-stick finish that ensures your waffles do not stick to the hot plate
The body is mounted on special rubber feet that ensures it does not slip while working
It has a covered hinge area that allows an easy clean up of the machine

Cleaning the waffle maker - It is very easy to clean this model but it is very important that you unplug from the electricity source before you start your process. It is a big no to immerse the machine in water. You will need to use a soft cloth or pastry brush to clean the grids. For removing stubborn stains, use a plastic mesh brush or any material that is safe on non-stick materials only. Clean the outside body with a damp cloth.

Safety Instructions -It is very important for you to follow all the safety instructions while dealing with this waffle maker. After all, you should handle this electrical equipment with care. Follow the basic safety precautions like never to touch the hot surfaces. Read all the measures given in the safety instruction booklet. There is a clasp to fasten the waffle maker when it is cooking. This can be easily unclipped to open it and remove the waffles. The light helps you to know when the unit is preheating.

Easy to store - The Toastmaster waffle maker is for homes uses only. Therefore, it is compact and small. You can easily stack it in the corner of your kitchen and it is ideal for waffle making at home. After the waffle making, there are no issues of dangling chord as you can easily wrap it around.

If you are looking for a waffle maker for your house, do consider the Toastmaster waffle maker. It will be a great tool in your kitchen and you can relish the waffles it makes anytime.

G. Smitty is a writer who loves to discuss many topics ranging from Villaware Waffle Makers to professional basketball. Thanks for reading!

Tis the Time for Mindful Eating Danielles 5 Key Tips to Surviving the Holiday Food Deluge

Tis the Time

Image source: https://bammindesigns.files.wordpress.com/2010/12/ty-2011-0011.jpg

Oh yeah, here they come again, the holidays! Its funny because it is a time we all look forward to and yet there is still this dread . the dread of weeks of overeating and the unavoidable weight gain. For many its quite predictable. In fact, the average American gains 7-10 pounds during the months of November and December. But really, who can resist all those delectable holiday treats?

Many, on the other hand, never gain an extra pound over the holidays. I am usually one of those. Thats because you are a dietitian and never enjoy food anyways you say. No way! is what I say. I enjoy lots of foods. Lots of foods in moderation. Ugh, the moderation word. So overused. Yeah, I agree. But to a large extend its true. You can enjoy a wide variety of foods if you keep it in moderation. Over-indulge? No. Indulge a little? Yes.

Now, you might be already thinking, well thats no fun. Whats the holidays if you cant eat until your stomach is about to rip in two and you need to take an extended siesta on your grandfathers lazy boy? I hear you. We all have traditions that we come to expect and almost crave during this time of year. For so many, over eating is one of them. As mentioned, we dread this season of overeating, but we also expect it and do it anyways. Its like an unbreakable vicious cycle. How do we get out of candy land hell!

One of the first steps is to recognize the problem! The problem is that when we overeat, we constantly over-ride our natural hunger/fullness cues which eventually leads to dysfunction, to the point we cant even tell when we are hungry and full anymore. We start to eat for pleasure or pain instead of physical need. This causes us to eat frequently and in portions much larger than we need.

What to do? This is where some basic mindful eating tips can come in super helpful. It may not change your life immediately, but trust me, over weeks and months you will slowly be more in tune with yourself and better able to nourish your body with what it needs, not with what your cravings tell you it wants.

Danielles 5 tips for surviving the holiday food deluge:

1. Recognize your weakness areas and where they are encountered.
Recognition is always the first step, isnt it? You have to assess where your problem areas lie. Is it sugar? All carbs? Salt? Large portions in general? All of the above? Does the problem occur in the workplace? At home? At family gatherings? Late at night alone? All of the above. Think through the foods you just cant stop eating and where you find them throughout the day. Write it down.

2. Make a daily and weekly plan.
Remember, most of the gradual weight gain comes from slight but cumulative overeating all through the holidays, not just on Thanksgiving and Christmas day. Make a plan for yourself so you have a rough idea of what you want to eat from day to day and stick to it. Having a plan liberates the mind to think about other more important things and even frees it from considering cravings, especially when you know, according to your plan, that they are not an option.
*If you need help making a plan for the holidays, come see me for ideas!

Going along with that, keep a diet journal as you go. Writing down what you eat, at least for a short period of time, increases your mindfulness around what you are eating and helps avoid random snacking. When you are forced to think more about what you eat, you tend to make better choices. So put pen to paper (or finger to phone) and keep track for a couple of weeks during the holidays.

3. DO NOT avoid all your favorite foods. That is probably the worst thing you can do, especially as you start something new. In my experience the more forbidden a food is, the more you want it. What I say is that all foods are allowed, but portions are controlled. That is the key. Make sure you enter it into the plan and stick to a defined portion. *Dont forget, usually the first 1-3 bites of any food are the most satisfying. The word is enjoy, enjoy, enjoy. Enjoy the hell out of each bite. When that uber enjoyment ends, put down the fork. Save the rest for another day. I know its hard, but try it!

4. Keep up your physical activity! I cant even tell you how many people let go of their exercise routines during this time because they are too busy. Oh no. That is not acceptable. We all have extra things we add to our daily itineraries because of holiday stuff, but slacking off on exercise is not one we can cut. Decreasing exercise can increase your risk for depression (especially if you are prone to it), decrease your willpower around food portions, and of course only add extra calories to your day because your arent burning those bad boys off. In fact, my advice is to INCREASE your exercise during the holidays! Make November and December your fittest months. You will not be regretting that come January when everyone else is hauling their sorry arse back to the gym!

5. Always load up on fruits and veggies.
Basically when in doubt, choose fruit and veg. These beauties are chocked full of vitamins, minerals, fiber and antioxidants .all the things you need to counter act any unhealthy choices encountered over the holiday months. You are going to feel a lot better, and gain less weight, if you fill your plate with produce at each and every meal.

Bonus tip: Relieve stress however you can! Stress always makes eating worse (not to mention ruins our holiday spirit). Before the holidays hit, think thru right now what helps you melt away stress and make a plan to DO those things regularly. Read a book? Get together with a friend? Meditate or deep breathing? Yoga? A quick getaway? If the holidays stress you out, counteract it this year and get stress-relieving activities on the schedule!

Remember these tips as you move through these next weeks and months, and best of luck as you navigate another wonderful holiday season!

Tips To Start Your Own Photo Booth Rental

Tips To Start Your Own Photo Booth Rental

Image source: http://new.photographyconcentrate.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/11/large__MG_0443.jpg

Photo booth rentals are a great way to head start your business and you can make enough money from these as they are in trend and everyone is opting for them.

Photo booths are very popular and they are set up in most of the parties and events including weddings, festivals and even corporate events. With Photo Booths, it is now possible for you to ditch the normal office or retail job and make incredible money doing something that is fun and which requires less than $10,000 in most cases to start your own business!

Owning a Photo Booth Rental is a great choice for a new entrepreneur because the business model is simple. It is a simple process,  buy a Photo Booth Rental promote services on social media and through wedding industry events. Many people are able to start this business as a side hustle, so its not a risky task that requires quitting your job or taking out a large business loan.

The basics to start a photo booth rental business can be divided into four parts:

 The hardware and software you need to buy:

The booth itself Purchase a booth that can be quickly assembled and disassembled for convenience and ease of storing and transporting.
Camera - While choosing a camera for your photo booth use one with video capability. You need not choose an expensive camera, but a middle range DSLR will work for your booth during the initial set up.
Camera AC adapter Using an AC Adapter, plug the camera directly into an outlet so you dont have to worry about the batteries running out in the middle of an event.
Laptop A basic laptop with good capacity hard drive would be enough during the initial stage of your business and later on you can invest in buying an upgraded model.
Printer - Pictures are immediately printed with the printer and your guests can carry the memories along with them.

Targeting the customer through advertisement:

Letting the customer know you have a photo booth can be accomplished through a website and any social media platform. You can post the pictures of your Photo Booth Rental so that the client knows what it will look like. Put up all the information on your site for people to get in touch with you if they want to book it for an event. The best way to get a constant torrent of business is to network with a corporate event and wedding planners in your area.


Some venues will require you to have insurance, and its simply a good thing. This helps reduce your liability in case someone gets hurt in your booth.

Legal structure for your business:

There are options while starting a photo booth business as to how you can structure it which includes:

Sole Proprietorship- This is the most common for small start-up photo booth operators and you can register the business name at your local government office.
Partnership- In this type of business, you can have two or more partners who will contribute equally to the outcome.
Limited liability company- If you ever run into legal issues, your personal assets are less at risk and this is a great way to shield your business troubles.

Photo booth rental pricing:

It is a good idea to be priced competitively, but undercutting pricing is not the best business plan for a long and sustainable business because there are costs which should be outlined in your business plan.

So there you have it! A rough sketch of considerations while starting your own photo booth business, along with the equipment, software, and a proper plan.

Sabtu, 24 Februari 2018

Tips To Griddle Vegetables

Tips To Griddle Vegetables

Image source: https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/be/6e/d9/be6ed9efcc2e5f1fea0bebb132e477f9.jpg

Grilled vegetables not only taste good but are also a great choice for the healthy folk. However, most of the people don't eat grilled veggies simply because they don't know the way to grill them correctly. If you too don't know the way to go about it then here are a few tips for the same.

If you want to grill Asparagus, you need to soak it in water for no less than 30 minutes. Now pat dry the plant and apply some olive oil over it with a brush. You could further enhance the taste of the plant by employing sesame oil together with olive oil, to brush the veggies. Now place it on the griddle and turn it each minute so that it isn't getting burnt. You must take away the plant delicately as soon as the tips start to turn brown.

Bell pepper is another of those popular veggies that are grilled but only a few people know the trick to do it properly. This vegetable must be cut from the middle from top to bottom. Don't forget to take away the seeds, the stems and the whitish rubs before you go on. After you are prepared with the cut veggies, apply olive oil. Now when you place them on to the grill, be there because they're going to be done in around Two to 3 minutes!

Grilled garlic is a great add-on for soups, veggies and even other dishes. To griddle garlic, take the entire bulb and cut off the root end. Brush the vegetable with oil and place it on the grill with the cut side placed on the grill. Garlic takes usually a little while before it is griddled correctly. Keep it on the griddle for a minimum of ten minutes till it turns brown. This small plant is a great option for those coping with the difficulty of high cholesterol.

Bell peppers are chosen not only because of their taste but because of the fact that they help shed weight. They not simply make a tasty dish but also help increase the metabolic rate. Nevertheless if you want to reduce your weight in a better demeanour then you should use weight control supplements like Dietrine Carb Blocker.

Grilled eggplants are also a very delicious delicacy. If you want to griddle tiny eggplants then cut them lengthwise. However, if it's a bigger eggplant, consider cutting round discs. You must soak it in water for a minimum of 30 minutes, apply some olive oil after you pat it dry and then griddle for 3 minutes.

Another vegetable that's worth barbecuing for its taste are the potatoes. Wash the potatoes thoroughly. Dry the vegetable and apply oil. Now, wrap the potatoes in tin foil and grill them for 35 to Forty minutes, turning them now and then. However you must eat potatoes carefully if you'd like to stay fit for all time.

Hence now that you know the right way to griddle the varied vegetables, get set to enjoy a pleasant meal.

Here Is Some More Information On Dietrine Carb Blocker and High Cholesterol.

Tips to Assure Success with Outsourcing

Tips to Assure Success with Outsourcing

Image source: http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/516tZJJUrnL.jpg

Outsourcing has enormous benefits and that is the reason why many companies prefer to contract out, especially their back office tasks. Some of the main benefits enjoyed are decreased cost, access to specific expertise, improved quality of service and risk distribution.

When your business grows, profits obviously increase but along with that the complexities you have to deal with also rise steeply. This can in fact hinder the growth of your business to its maximum potential. Such a scenario mandates outsourcing, but there are certain tips to be armed with before you shake hands with a service provider. This is really important to assure your success. Underlying are some great tips that are really operative.

Self-analysis is the initial step to take

Before doing anything, the primary step you should take is a comprehensive self-analysis. Scrutinize all the aspects of your business and understand the niches where you need external assistance. This will make sure that only apt tasks are outsourced and you are selecting the right type of outsourcing among the various options available.

Study the whole market scenario

Every market is unique and most of them are highly dynamic; changes keep on happening continuously. You should make a systematic and detailed study of the marketplace where you intend to sell your products or services. Identify the latest technologies and trends that are dominating the commercial environment

Have a judiciously and precisely defined business strategy

Any business has both long term business goals as well as short term business goals. The strategy you develop should do justice to both. The arrangement should be done in such a way that your immediate and intermediate objectives as well as ultimate goal are successfully accomplished. It surely demands considerable brainstorming, but its worth the effort.

Evaluate the service provider judiciously

When youre a customer, your doubtlessly have the right to inquire in detail about the service provisions; never hesitate to do so. Hiring an unprofessional may be unproductive and to make the matter worse, it may even do harm to your business. Vendor selection is really a subjective experience. You can check their testimonials and previous projects accomplished by them. Also gauge their proficiency in the specific aptitudes that your project actually demands for.

Price matters but overemphasizing it may hurt

Selecting an outsourcing partner solely based on price is nothing less than suicidal. However, the highest priced service providers may not be the best ones. This has to be understood and the best thing you can do is to assure the reasonability of charges. Their service quality should fall in line with the quote they are submitting. You can resolve this by checking their efficiency and professionalism with their previous customers.

Clearly outline the schedule for your project

Service providers doubtlessly need complete and accurate information so as to avail you realistic proposals. You should be specific regarding what you expect from the vendor and the frequency you are looking for. Never overlook the importance of clearly defining your schedule needs; they have significant role in determining the project costs. Also tie the payments to well defined milestones. This deposits extra responsibility on the vendor and maintains genuineness throughout the deal.

Make an effective communication channel

Before outsourcing, make sure that the service provider bestows an effective communication channel through all modern means. This of huge relevance when the workforce functioning for you is not in-house. When you invest in a particular offshore company, you should enjoy certain level of control over the team dedicated to you. They should be available all time round the clock and your suggestions should be considered with respect. Then only you can expect an output that you really desired for.

Support after project completion is pivotal

The service provider should exhibit commitment to you even after project completion. Especially for the technology projects, specifying a support clause always keeps you in safe zone. Most of the outsourcing service providers are available for future assistance as it is the best way for them to maintain their previous customers loyal to them.

Start with small steps rather than making a big leap

No matter how much proven track record a service provider has, its always advisable to start in small steps rather than investing heavily. This is because your project is unique and the expertise of vendor in his previous projects never completely guarantees that he will provide superior results.

Documentation is important to avoid final stage hitches and conflicts. You should document everything legally and keep a detailed record of any agreement changes, if done. Also save copies of all the email exchanges you had with the vendor.

Outsourcing is unavoidable in case of many businesses these days. Along with the upsides, there inevitably are some pitfalls. Being armed with the above tips, you can surely reap maximum benefits from outsourcing.

Hope this article is useful and would really appreciate if you can comment or vote in your views.

Tips on Losing Weight Fast

Tips on Losing Weight Fast

Image source: http://www.thedietsolutionprogramreviewsx.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/04/article-2225296-15C49A41000005DC-881_634x365.jpg

There is no secret that many parents and their children are overweight. These 10 simple? Secret? can help change the life style of your family so you all can become capable and healthy. Weight loss is a killer!

1) Eat Whole Grain Foods

Processed and refined grains, like white bread, white rice, cereals, pasta and other foods made with white flour have a high glycemic index, low amounts of fiber, vitamins and minerals and less food made with whole grains. Making the switch to whole grain foods, including bread wheat, whole grain pasta, brown rice, and cereals made with whole grains, are an easy way and make healthy diet for your family more calories.

2) Limit Soda and fruit drinks

Soda and fruit drinks have low nutritional value and lots of calories. At about 150 calories per 12 ounce serving, your children will gain an additional pound for every 3 weeks if they drink only a can of soda every day.
Cutting back or eliminating soda, fruit drinks, fruit juice and even may be a good way to get rid of a lot of extra calories and leave room for your children to eat more calorie foods.

3) Eat More Fruits and Vegetables

Most children do not eat enough fruits and vegetables and that usually means they eat other foods are less calorie. With a high fiber content and very rich in vitamins and minerals, fruit and vegetables are an important part of a healthy diet. And because they have more water in them, eating fruits and vegetables can help you feel full and satisfied so you do not overeat.

4) Eat foods with more Calcium

A simple human error when trying to lose weight is that they stop drinking milk, eating cheese and yogurt. Calcium is important for building healthy bones and help you lose weight. You should encourage your children to drink low-fat milk, eat portioned amount of cheese and yogurt to help lose weight and maintain a healthy weight.

Side Note: You can always look up google search and look for weight loss challenges,
weight loss forever, major weight loss, weight loss tools, guaranteed weightloss, medshape weightloss, pure cleanse, fast fat loss, fat loss diets, losing weight, weight lose, how to lose weight,

burn fat, weight diets, weight loss ingredients, weight loss for idiots, what can i do to lose weight,
how to lose weight and keep it off, cannot lose weight.

5) be more active

Everyone knows that a part of the cause of the current obesity epidemic is that people are much less active then they used to be. Getting children involved in organized activities, which can be either team or individual sports, and cutting back on the amount of time before TV, computers and playing video games will burn calories and improve fitness levels.

Family activities are also a good way to be more physically active. Even simple things, like walking through a parking lot, using stairs, walks and runs for short or family bike rides can make a difference.

6) Know When Calories Come From

While you do not need to make your daily calorie counts, keep a diary of what your family eats for a few days can help you see where the calories come from abroad. Your children are overweight because of the calories they get from a bedtime snack or those two glasses of Kool Aid or soda he drinks? Or maybe because its dimensions are too big part?

If you know where your children are coming calories you will know where to make changes and how you can cut back, especially with foods that have a lot of empty calories.

7) Learn About carbs

Carbs get a bad finish, especially with all proponents of high protein diets, like Atkins and South Beach Diet. Not all carbs are created equal. While this is a good idea to avoid foods that have as refined white bread, foods made with white flour, and foods and beverages sweetened with sugar, other carbs should be part of a balanced diet.

Instead of avoiding all carbs, just learn how to choose foods with? The good? carbohydrates, which includes fruits, vegetables, beans, and whole grain foods.

8) Learn About fats

Like carbs, there? Okay? and? bad? fats. Instead of making a mistake of trying to stick to a low fat diet, and simply replace other foods that are often as high calories, you should eat foods that have? The good? fat in them. This includes foods with polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats. On the other hand, you should avoid saturated fats and trans fats.

9) Select Diet Eating healthy when Out

Even if your family eats healthy at home, if you eat foods super-sized fast food several times a week, maybe they are still at risk of becoming overweight. If you eat a lot, consider the nutritional facts restaurant menu and watch your part sizes. Calorie and fat adds up quickly when eating out!

10) Stay motivated!

Most people know what to do, however healthy, healthy food and exercising is not easy. Education for specifics of a healthy diet, including whole families, and setting goals can help your family stay healthy and fit. Hire a personal trainer or seek the advice of a dietitian to keep you healthy on the road.

Jumat, 23 Februari 2018

Tips On How To Choose The Perfect Coffee Grinder

Tips On How To Choose The Perfect Coffee Grinder

Image source: http://www.coffeemakercompare.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/Grind-Your-Own-Coffee.jpg

You can always rely on a coffee to lift your spirits at any time of the day, whether it is on a cold wintery night, or on that dreaded Monday morning before work! When it comes to getting that top-notch blend of coffee, it is vital that highest quality blend is chosen for either yourself, a group of friends, or mainly... your customers. You may already have a fast and powerful commercial coffee machine but do you have the ideal industrial coffee grinder to sit next to it. You wont regret making this investment! Why? Well, many coffee experts will agree when I say this piece of technology (i.e. the grinder) is a significant factor in the coffee making industry.

... Behind Every Great Blend Of Coffee Is A Top Quality Grinder!

So you may be asking... Where do I begin? The purpose of this article is to provide you with an insight into how to pick the perfect grinder for yourselves. There is such a wide range of manufacturers in the exceptionally large world of commercial coffee grinders; usually in the forms of either the Blade or the most popular choice, the Burr. You will need to maintain your grinder, clean it and even adjust it on a daily basis to allow for a consistent coffee.

So lets start with the basics and the most highly recommended burr grinders; which consist of either flat or conical burrs (both work the same). With these, you tend to have a lot more control over your grind allowing for a more consistent blend. A manual burr grinder tends to be relatively small and cheap, so this would be an adequate choice for those who are limited on space and money. These can also be acknowledged for their beneficial production of a very consistent aggregate; due to the flake-like texture of the beans that the grinder produces. Plus there is no chance of burning the coffee... which is always a plus!

The blade grinder is your other option which has a blade in the centre of the grinder that acts like a propeller. The blade slices the beans up and allows you to control the fineness of the beans. The grounds, however, can be relatively uneven in size if not performed correctly so take your time in getting it right! These tend to be faster so if you want quantity over quality then this option could sway you.

When it comes to these devices it is imperative that you select the most suited manufacturer. Mahlkonig, Mazzer and Anfim may be three of the names that spring to mind in this area. These are just a few of the most technically advanced, high-quality grinders that could be a great investment for your workplace; so here is why you should consider one. A commercial coffee grinder has around 50% more power than a normal home grinder, thus resulting in the beans being cooler when they are ground. They are renowned for their ability to brew a large amount of coffee, in a short period of time.

In comparison to a normal home grinder, these more advanced machines excel in quality and dependability; through modern machinery and expert hand-crafting techniques. The important aspect of this is that the devices can deliver the consistently ground beans that you will require, to allow you to gain that rich smooth flavour from the beans. This will leave you or your customers fresh and alive for the day... which is what every coffee lover wants! So why is all this so important? Because behind every impeccable cup of coffee lies a top-notch, high-quality commercial coffee grinder.

In a coffee bar, restaurant, cafe or any other similar business type you may have, you need a heavyweight coffee grinder that can run consistently throughout the day without wearing out, such as the Mazzer super jolly, or even the Anfim Caimano. You must make sure you account for the space these grinders may take up, yet also remember how important these are to the end product! The majority of the weight comes from the actual body of the device which contains a large motor, which is needed to reduce the heat when grinding the beans. The importance of this is reflected in the quality of the coffee, as the heat could cause some of the flavour to disappear; leaving a bitter coffee (which Im sure no one wants).

Within the grinder sits a chamber, which is usually above the base and holds the ground coffee. The loose coffee grounds in this chamber, filling up the dosing mechanism. When the lever is pulled, this will result in the dosing disc releasing the ground coffee into the dosing compartment. So if you own a cafe, make sure you clear out the chamber (recommended to do this with a small brush) to remove any remaining coffee grounds.

Now let me introduce you to the hopper. This is the usual plastic chamber that holds all of the coffee beans that are waiting to be ground. It is such an important aspect to consider when picking your grinder. In terms of the choosing a commercial grinder, these will allow you to hold significantly more beans than a standard home grinder! So you can keep up with the pace of your eager customers who are dying for their morning fix. You MUST clean the coffee hopper every night in your workplace to let it dry out overnight; trust me you dont want to invest your money in something that turns to the unfavourable rust.

Essentially, superb coffee beans need a quality grinder in any restaurant, cafe or coffee place, and if you have already committed yourself to purchasing top notch coffee beans, why not give the beans the quality they deserve? ...never overlook the buying process of a grinder if you want to deliver a flawless blend of coffee that people will be dying to taste!

Thomas Mullarkey

Tips On Buying A Cookie Press

Tips On Buying A Cookie Press

Image source: https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/41W9oFTMAAL.jpg

Feeling hungry? Grab a cookie. Cookies are something that can revitalise your taste buds. The word cookie sounds irresistible to many. However making cookies is a form of art. You can easily make cookies using a cookie press tool which will maximise consistency and efficiency providing extraordinary results and taste, of course. A cookie press will make cute shaped cookies that will look good to serve. It just adds more professionalism to your work.

With so many varieties available in the market, choosing a cookie press might baffle some of them. If you are cookie lover, cookie press is a must buy for you. Below are some tips that will guide you through the process of the purchase of a cookie press:

There are two types of the cookie press, electric cookie press and manual cookie press. A manual cookie press is an inexpensive cordless device which can be used to press cookies and decorate desserts according to the accessories provided. On the other hand, electric cookie press increases consistency levels and provides constant pressing saving you time. However, if you want to press heavier dough, you must choose standard models.
Choose good quality model. Make sure that the attachment of shaft is smooth.
Avoid models that catch rust very quickly. It could reduce the life of your equipment. Read cookie press reviews to get a better idea about it.
Choose models that are comfortable to handle. An easy to use cookie press is always a favourable option so that children can even use it without any complexities involved.

As mentioned above, there are many cookie presses available in the market which offers different kinds of features. Below are some best professional cookie presses listed to give you a more detailed and precise idea:

OXO Cookie Press

For all the cooks out there, this is a fantastic option for you. A chamber will indicate how much to refill it. This maximises precision and eliminates chances of mistake. This press cookie can be disassembled to clean it up properly. The non-slip base increases the stability of the media.

Wilton Cookie Pro Ultra II Cookie Press

This is an ideal press for all the cookie lovers. There are about 12 radiant shapes available for adornment. It is a highly durable device and easy to use. You can wash it down by hand. Use Wilton Cookie Pro Ultra II Cookie Press next time to make cookies, as it is fun to use.

Norpro Cookie Press

If you are facing any issue regarding the making of cookies, this model is an ideal package. There are around 20 plates available, so you can create a variety of shapes making your cookie look more visually appealing. To add more delight, use Norpro Cookie Press. This model offers a three-year guarantee with it which can be hand washed. An easy to use machine can be used by children as well.

Marcato Atlas Cookie Press

Marcato is something that all cookie lovers need. It comes with a roll producer, and the material it is made up of is stainless steel. With ten years guarantee, you can rely on the product heavily. It comes up with 20 different shape circles to make a blissful plate of cookies. It has a high capacity.

HuiJia Stainless Steel Deluxe Biscuit Press Cookie Press

As it sounds, this stainless steel device makes it easy to outline the best shapes. You can spend your spare time making customised cookies you need. HuiJia is highly durable and will not catch rust quickly.


Going through the tips and using any of the overhead cookie press will surely be an amazing experience if you are a cookie-lover or like to make cookies. Making of cookies is now much more convenient and fun with cookie presses. Enjoy the experience and taste from now onwards.

Tips For Saving Money With A Newborn Baby

Tips For Saving Money With A Newborn Baby

Image source: http://valleyparentmagazine.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/saving-money-on-your-baby-budget.jpg

With a population of over seven billion, and with numbers still set to rise, there is no shortage of babies in the world. What many individuals forget is that bringing up a new-born is a life changing choice. Not only will a baby turn your life around, but they are also expensive. The constant nappy changes, cleaning products, food and clothing from each stage of their growth will grow into the thousands.

Healthy Food Choices for a Newborn Baby

Babies need milk and food to grow. Manufacturers have made it easy for parents in todays society, as they promise that all of the nutrition a baby needs is available in a jar of food, or from a powdered milk source. However, there is no doubt that breast milk is the best source of nutrition for a new-born baby. It is the richest source of gamma linolenic acid (GLA), which supports the brain development in a baby.

Experts recommend that breast milk be fed for only the first six months, alternate between breast-feeding and food until the age of two; however, some mothers continue to breast feed their baby for longer. Better yet, breast milk is the perfect temperature for a baby, plus it saves a mother time, energy and money. Breast milk also contains monolaurin, which is a compound known to boost a babys immune system to fight infection.

To ensure that a baby receives the highest levels of nutrition, fresh food is best. Cook meals from scratch. Blend chicken, potatoes, carrots, and gravy for a tasty meal that your baby will grow to love. Pureed fruit, including apples and mixed berries is a healthy choice of dessert to feed a baby. Another good choice is rice pudding. Best of all is that meals cooked from scratch do not contain preservatives like salt or sugar.

Safe Products to Use on a Newborn Baby

It is very important that a baby receives healthy fats during its growth. Gamma linolenic acid (GLA) is abundant in breast milk, but another rich source of monolaurin (immune boosting properties) is coconut oil. Monolaurin is formed in the body through the medium chain fatty acid, lauric acid found in coconut oil. Rubbing this nourishing oil into your babys skin will heal rashes and skin irritations.

It is important that you remember the skin is the largest layer in the human body and the skin of a baby is precious. Baby oil contains mineral oil, plus synthetic fragrance. Mineral oil is derived from petroleum (crude oil). When applied to the skin, mineral oil blocks the pores and does not allow the skin to breathe. The skin must release toxins through perspiration and if a baby is unable to release toxins, it may be more prone to illness and infection. Mineral oil applied to the skin of a baby may be ingested by the lungs, which can lead to inflammation and death.

Healthier oils to use on a baby include coconut oil, Shea butter and Vitamin E oil. Any oil that you would use for cooking, or apply on a salad, is safe to use on both your own body and that of a new-born baby. Stick to gentle products that are paraben and fragrance free, made with nourishing oils, including sunflower seed, wheat germ, grape seed, canola oil etc.

Operating with a jogging stroller could be great for families. It maintains you active and will get you out of the house at a time in your lifetime when you may be overwhelmed through responsibility.

My daughter likes it, too. She sometimes gets bored and picky, but for the most part the baby loves being outside as well as seeing new things.

Why Do these Methods Save Money?

Making fresh meals and skin care products for a baby are good ways to save money over the long term. Healthy nutritious food is designed to boost a babys immune system, as are safe products that can be applied to a babys soft skin.

Kamis, 22 Februari 2018

Tips For Making Meatloaf Recipes

Tips For Making Meatloaf Recipes

Image source: http://img.sndimg.com/food/image/upload/w_555,h_416,c_fit,fl_progressive,q_95/v1/img/recipes/39/91/62/WLU1kRInSc2LYQxd1i7M_loaf.jpg

Were betting that every American has tried a meatloaf at one point or another in their lives. Its a hearty meal staple that can be quickly assembled with basic ingredients and served alongside mashed potatoes and veggies for a solid and nutritious meal.

While its popularity as a dinner entre is uncontested, meatloaf is surprisingly polarizing- adults tend to either really like it or dont like it at all. Because of its versatility, however, we tend to think that meatloaf haters have probably not tried a winning combination, and while the ingredients you choose have a big impact, so does the way you cook your meatloaf recipe. Here are a few winning tips to make sure you get your preparation right:

Tip #1- Skip lean meats or substitute moisture.

One of the major issues with meatloaf is that is can be very dry. No one wants a mouthful of sawdust, so choose richer types of meat that have a higher fat concentration to avoid this. If youre looking to go lean and want to opt for meat with a lower fat content, like turkey or lean ground beef, be sure to make up for the lack of fat by adding liquids like Worcestershire sauce or ketchup.

Tip #2- Dont over stimulate your meat.

Most meatloaf mixtures are kneaded by hand to incorporate all the seasonings and ingredients. This is fine, but you want to make sure that you are gentle as possible and the mixing is kept to a minimum. By over kneading, you will compress the meat, which leads to an unappealing end texture.

Tip #3- Sautee your veggies.

Sometimes raw vegetables add to a meat mixture, like finely chopped raw onion in a burger for example. This is not the case in any meatloaf recipe, as cooking the vegetables first will extract moisture that is then transferred to your meatloaf.

Tip #4- Use a binding agent.

Every easy meatloaf recipe needs a binding agent, such as breadcrumbs or oatmeal. Failure to add one of these ingredients may cause your meatloaf to crumble. Its always advisable to first soak your binding agent in liquid- beef stock is a great option- so you dont end up with dry spots in the final meatloaf.

Tip #5- Let it rest.

Just like a steak, you should always let your meatloaf rest outside of the oven for at least 5-10 minutes before digging in. This important time gives the meat time to redistribute all of its fluids. If youre impatient, you can lose a lot of moisture and flavor by letting the juice escape the meatloaf.

See any important steps you may have overlooked in the past? Now that youve got the basics, its time to give it a try! Following our easy tips for a successful meatloaf recipe, choose your favorite ingredients, or try one of our favorite recipes below.

Homestyle Meatloaf

This easy recipe combines the goodness of mushrooms, onion and parsley to create a savory meatloaf. The addition of Homestyle Beef Stock makes sure the loaf stays moist and tastes great with a side of mashed potatoes.

Latin Meatloaf

This unique spin on a classic meatloaf relies on the use of jalapenos, bell peppers and olives to give it a fiery twist, while Beef Bouillon and ketchup ensures that the mix stays savory and not too spicy. Try serving this unexpected and completely delicious meatloaf with a side of Spanish rice and a fresh side salad with citrusy vinaigrette.

Meatloaf will never go out of style thanks to its ease of preparation and tasty results. Be sure to use our easy tips and to make sure that your meatloaf turns out perfectly every time. Your family will be happy you did!

Tips For A Healthier Thanksgiving!

Tips For A Healthier Thanksgiving!

Image source: http://blog.codyapp.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/thanksgiving-copy3.png

Thanksgiving Day is already here!

This holiday was originally created to give thanks for the preceding year and the blessing of the harvest. Its told that Native Americans from the Wampanoag tribe helped the pilgrims at Plymouth, present-day Massachusetts, survive their first year in the Americas. So in the Autumn of 1621, a celebration took place with a holiday feast. Then, a tradition was born and the celebration carried on year after year.

A holiday celebrating gratitude What a great concept! However, we have moved away from its original tradition. It seems that nowadays we have equated this holiday with a day of just feasting without celebrating its true meaning. It has become a day of overindulgence, sometimes to the point of bingeing without even reflecting about all we have to be thankful for.

For some, it is a day of lethargy, with many laying on the couch or watching television. Not to mention, a day of family drama. And not just drama but outright chaos Its known to be a very hectic day for law enforcement personnel. Maybe this year, we can celebrate Thanksgiving as it was originally intended.

This year, lets celebrate Thanksgiving in a healthy way, with the right attitude! Thanksgiving commemorates gratefulness. Lets express our appreciation for all we have, and enjoy a healthy delicious meal and the presence of our loved ones!!


The Food

Since Thanksgiving for most of us is meal-focused, it is important to keep healthy eating in the forefront. By now you may be aware that most commercial foods are not only far from nutritious, but even toxic. Therefore, I strongly encourage you to read labels and eat clean food as much as possible in order to avoid adding toxic compounds into your body.

Here are a few tips:

Fruits and vegetables should be organic as much as possible.
Vegetables and salads should be part of your daily regimen.
For the Turkey eaters: Keep in mind that the healthiest and tastiest turkeys have a 100% organic non-GMO feed, are free-range, as well as free of antibiotics, synthetic hormones, preservatives, and pesticides.
Stay away from soda and commercial juices.
Do not forget to drink at least 3 liters of water.

Roasted turkey garnished with cranberries on a rustic style table decoraded with pumpkins, gourds, asparagus, brussel sprouts, baked vegetables, pie, flowers, and candles.

Its not all about the Food!

It is important to reiterate that in order to celebrate Thanksgiving in a healthy manner, the approach should be holistic. In addition of taking care of your body, you should keep your mind and spirit positively engaged. Gratitude should be the underlying theme of the celebration, along with healthy interactions.

The ideal is to stay away from negativity as much as possible and enjoy the opportunity to have a united meal. It seems that a great majority of Americans report conflictive interactions at the Thanksgiving dinner table, which sometimes appears like a battlefield.

For the purpose of embracing the meaning of Thanksgiving day, it is essential to focus on the positives. This approach can change interaction dynamics.

These are a few ideas for your Thanksgiving celebration:

The Atmosphere: Place little elegant cards around the house, embracing Thanksgiving themes like Remaining Thankful, Leaving the Negativity Outside, Being Grateful, Blessed, Cherishing the Moment, Sweet as Pie. It may seem silly but this simple move can raise the guests awareness and stir them in the right direction towards a drama-free Thanksgiving meal!
Being Thankful: Ask each member to mention things that they are grateful for.
List the Positives: Ask each member at the table to mention positive qualities about the person to their left and their right.
Redirect: When hot touchy topics arise, jokingly remind them that grandmothers always said that politics, religion, or money were impolite subjects at the dinner table.
Introduce Positive Games and Topics: Keeping guests positively engaged and active deters inactivity. Generally, people are over-stuffed and almost ready to suffer a diabetic coma due to sugar spikes from feasting. So, a little movement after dinner is always welcome and highly beneficial.
Donate: While remaining grateful, it is always great to extend our help to others. Donate to a non-profit organization. You can even be more proactive and pass a hat around asking your guests if they would like to donate to a charity of their choice.

Having the right focus during this Thanksgiving can make it a wholesome and wonderful one. Besides enjoying a delicious healthy meal and keeping engaged, this holiday can nurture your body and mind, as well as your relationships. Lets demonstrate and experience the real tradition of Thanksgiving!!!

Rabu, 21 Februari 2018

Tips and Tricks for Choosing Healthy Snacks to Go

Tips and Tricks for Choosing Healthy Snacks to Go

Image source: https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/7fCzucu1cNbfZ_lPV11hdA671dqdvHFaqNORLq0hogfMkZ_BAKovxrCqaYBsOFVuS4kFJ4cvnOzC-PzK5Z-O

We live in a society where everyone is stressed, depressed, and chronically sick and in pain. Physical and mental health go hand in hand, so getting your health under control is a matter of mind and body.

If youd like to get your life back in order, youll want to immediately cut out the sweets, fat, and junk by replacing them with healthy snacks.

Consider the following snacks to go with your diet plan so that youre able to get your health back in order.

#1: Berries Are The Best Snacks To Go In Your Lunch Bag For Energy

If you find yourself dragging along on work days, theres a good chance youre malnourished.

Western society would have you grab a cup of coffee as opposed to fortifying your body with the nutrients that will give you actual energy.

If youre looking for a kick of energy, the best snacks to go in your lunch bag are any types of berries.

Blackberries, strawberries, and blueberries make a wonderful addition to your diet. They provide you with healthy sugars that produce energy, in addition to brain-boosting nutrients.

Youll be able to not only keep your hunger under control due to the fiber, the mental jolt will keep you focused and engaged. Perhaps best of all, strawberries are known to boost your libido and get your blood flow pumping.

As you might tell, berries can be the key to finding your work-life balance through healthy nutrients.

You can also look into healthyyou vending reviews to find a machine near you that sells healthy energy bars.

#2: Avocadoes Provide Great Calories

One reason that its hard to make it through your workday that you get too many bad calories.

You can eat a fast food meal that has more than 1000 calories but will still be hungry because it was filled with processed junk. You need to make your calories count by packing them on in the healthiest way possible.

Avocados are great in this regard.

By eating this fatty, high-calorie fruit, youll also boost your mental function. Avocadoes are also great for your skin, hair, and nails. Since avocados are packed with calories, youll be able to feed your body with fuel, without it coming in the form of chips and candy.

Since you need healthy fats to build muscle mass, avocados are perfect snacks to eat before and after pumping iron.

Close to 37 percent of people are obese today, making this an issue of epidemic proportions. Part of this reason is that people eat high calorie, low nutrient foods throughout the day.

Healthy snacks will help you make use of every calorie you take in. Best of all, youll develop a taste for snacks you enjoy, rather than eating impulsively.

#3: Nuts Satiate Hunger

Snacking is the worst thing that can happen with any diet.

To beat hunger craving induced snacking, youll need to keep your blood sugar levels in order. If you feel hunger setting in, dig into your emergency back of nuts to get some healthy calories that will balance out your blood sugar.

If you want a little bit of flavor variety, eating trail mix that has plenty of nuts will give you the same result.

Consider these tips and check out some other health-related articles to help your diet and wellness.

Times Are Changing How To Eat New Skills

Times Are Changing How To Eat New Skills

Image source: https://media.indiatimes.in/media/content/itimes/photo/2014/Aug/7/1407403627-give-up-juck-food-you-are-what-you-eat-healthly-tips-pinterest.jpg

Children and Food

Because it had been tricky to take objects without canals or trains or trucks, many individuals could eat meals that is local, seasonal. If there is a shortage of meals as of bad-weather or crop disorders, or as soldiers had shattered the plants within an war, people starved. Individuals in different places ate foods, depending on that which animals dwelt there and which plants climbed. At India, it absolutely was sugar along with bananas. At Central Asia, where people raised cows, they ate lots of yogurt, cheese, also beef, but also apples along with carrots. In Africa, folks ate figs, yams, palm acrylic, beer, java beans, teff, along with millet. Additional north in Europe, they also drank beer too, however together with salted hamand bacon, butter, oats along with rye bread. Round the Atlantic Ocean at South America, folks liked berries, corn, peanuts, berries, peppers, along with chocolate, whilst further northfolks ate turkey, sweet potatoes, sunflower seeds, salmon, along with wild rice.

The meals people consumed assorted a superb deal from time to time and from place to place when individuals could easily get food. There are a few matters these days and regions had in accordance. When Europeans commenced sailing round the Atlantic Ocean into the Americas roughly 1500 AD, then they attracted sheep and pigs and chickens, wheat, beehives, sugar, and apples with them. Somewhat later, it was tea and also java. They attracted American sweet potatoes to China, where lousy people started to consume sweet potatoes as their principal meals. But the following important strategy men and women had would be to attract foods into their own spot. Central Asians brought hens along with cows and apples to West Asia All Around 7000 BC; dates first Originated in West Asia into Africa about 4000 BC. Wheat Initially attained China from West Asia about 2500 BC; chickens Initially reached West Asia out of India roughly 1, 000 BC. Bananas reached Africa from India approximately Five Hundred BC, and rice left India to get West Asia and Europe a few hundred Decades later.

To begin with rationale foods was so expensive was that there was no heating or freezers. It had been very tough to store food from going negative. One way many individuals applied all within the earth was supposed to eat lots of fish and shellfish such as crabs, mussels, clams, and oysters. Those meals retained themselves fresh and living, and you might go collecting or fishing additives new. The potency of Central Asia and also the Growth of the Silk Road involving 500 BC and 1500 ADinvited a Ton more money of food all across Asia. More Central Asian cinnamon and also pepperbegan to reach Europe and China. Bee-keepingwent from West Asia to China, also peaches, lemons, and oranges returned at the different way. Central Asian food items scientists also bred much better carrots and offered them. Sugar distribute from India all over Asia and even up to Europe and North Africa; java and tea spread across Asia in Africa and China. All through the majority of background, most people never received enough to consume, and lots of individuals starved to death. Food was far costlier than it is now, and authorities helped individuals out less than they do now. Even farmers often went hungry when city inhabitants took all their food to their as taxation or even tithes, even if the weather was bad and storms or even viruses destroyed the harvest. Children went more than their moms and dads, since in the event the mother and father starved the children would die any way from negligence, where if the parents even lived the famine they would have more children. Individuals also worked hard to conserve foods which did not maintain. The main method was draining food and storing it carefully: men and women stored wheat and barley and millet along with ricealong with corn. In addition they dried fruit to make raisins, dried figs along with dates, dried legumes, dried corn, and dried apples. Back in Peru, folks freeze-dried potatoes. Men and women pickled eggs and vegetables, meat, also fish in brine (salty water) to produce pickles along with garum, an fermented fish sauce. They fermented coconut juice and apple juice and barley to turn them to winealong with cider and beer. They left milk to yogurt and also cheese. They smoked-meat out of pigsto make ham and bacon, and so they stored steak at honey.

Aztec women making tortillas ca. 1520 AD

Three Wishes for your children that will also bless you

Three Wishes for your children that will also bless you

Image source: https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEg8sXtAsgdwPiR8L-YfjePiqQ5QdktlHFJ9vQJ9mek75KBIqf5jDGjhoVBv0z4mvZIaRjLaw-YbuUTPpDdsHbVGJOOn1z8A-5CcRDtSGK-Ds13VtR57vzDl4YyLw2-zvm9C6Co3nvNxVuPW/s1600/Eid+Mubarak+English+Quotes+Greetings+online+++-++++JULY17++-+QuotesAdda.jpg

Beautiful Blessing
As a parent, you are in the greatest position to bestow blessings upon your child. Many will just wish for a healthy baby while some are more ambitious: the child must get to a good university and make millions.

Your Wish
Whatever your wish for your child and there should be many for a well rounded upbringing, the top three would be financial finesse, culinary skill and social charm.

Financial Finesse
How do we learn financial management and financial savvy? I learnt some basic stuff when I was a Brownie (a junior Girl Scout) but it was real simple stuff such as saving pocket money and not wasting things. Apart from watching my parents that was it!

Further parental advice may be limited to admonitions such as money does not grow on trees! That is hardly training!

Perhaps people who study accountancy and business will learn some financial management, but for the average Joe and Jane the exposure will fall short of what will be helpful.

Nowadays there are courses available for kids to attend. It is never too young to introduce your child to one of these courses.

Think about your own example of how you use and manage money. Does your example pass muster? This might be an opportune moment to rethink your financial management or mismanagement.

Canned Cuisine
Tonight again its burger or something out of a can!

Not the best way to live if that is your daily food. One of my biggest regrets in life if that I am not a better cook. Again I did try attempted the Cooking Badge with the Girl Scouts and my dear mother did try to show me the basics, but I rarely got past peeling the potatoes.

If you can cook you might think it is natural for everyone to cook. But it just does not come naturally for all.

If I had my time over again I would have taken cooking more seriously and if you have children then lose no time, get them enrolled in cooking classes.

This is one skill I think is worth going on a course for, and who knows your child might make you some great food!

Social Skills Advocate
I am a total believer in social skills development.

In my teaching of English I am glad I have the opportunity to interact with young minds and to explain to them why nice behavior is important.

Social Skill expertise is an underpinning skill for social success. Without developed social skills, it is going to be difficult to interact well with others.

One of the best investments I made when I was a teenager was to save up for a grooming and etiquette course at Lucie Clayton. This was a London finishing school course, and I spent a few months learning how to behave correctly in diverse social situations. Not only that I really enjoyed this experience.

My Three Wishes
My three wishes for your children are
may they learn to the best cooks,
may they always make wise financial decisions and
may they have express the best social graces and charm.

Selasa, 20 Februari 2018

Three Interesting Facts about Diabetes Mellitus

Three Interesting Facts about Diabetes Mellitus

Image source: https://i.pinimg.com/736x/3d/77/ae/3d77aeb9ed268de3ef087549154a2059--diabetes-facts-diabetes-mellitus.jpg

Diabetes mellitus, affectionately referred to as just "diabetes" by almost everyone who has ever heard of the disease, is a condition you would not want to wish upon your worst enemy. Aside from forcing you to change almost every aspect of your lifestyle (say goodbye to All-You-Can-Eat wing night), it could lead to a series of unfortunate complications, such as having your foot cut off and that pesky little thing known as death. Terrifying aspects of a disease that can strike without warning aside, here are some interesting facts overlooked by almost everyone.

Have you ever wondered what the mellitus tacked on to the end of diabetes actually means? Aside from being a fancy word to make it sound more medical-y, it actually has an interesting albeit slightly disturbing history to it. In 1675, a doctor by the name of Thomas Willis, added the term, which is the Latin word for "honey," due to the taste of the urine diabetes patients being deemed sweet. Although not the first person to notice this (it's been known for well over a thousand years), the reason for its honey-sweet taste is courtesy of Matthew Dobson, who in 1776 discovered its source to be a build-up of a specific kind of sugar in the urine and blood.

Diabetes is all about urine. But what does that name actually mean? Like many medical terms, its history and meaning lies in the language of the ancient Greeks. It was coined by Aretaeus the Cappadocian, a second-century AD physician who noticed that those with the condition urinated frequently and gave off the appearance of "leaking water." He named it diabetes, which comes from the Greek word , which when parsed is composed of the prefix "dia," meaning "across or apart, " and "bainein," meaning "to walk or stand." When put together it means "to straddle," with the noun form meaning "one who straddles" (diab"t"s).

To be more specific, the word also means "compass" or "siphon." It wasn't until 1425 when the term "diabete" was used to describe the condition in English.

Despite being highly manageable today, the ancients who first discovered the condition considered it to be an automatic death sentence. According to Victor Corneliu Medvei in his book The History of Clinical Endocrinology, despite Aretaeus' attempts at treating the disease, he considered a diagnosis of this new condition to result in a life that is "short, disgusting and painful."

In short, ancient conceptions of diabetes can be summed up in two words: urine and pain.

Three Brand New Shakes At Mccaf

Three Brand New Shakes At Mccaf

Image source: https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEiOpv-pu_wrsPjDlGkkIdmDLIejJH7hUsUJHIT45mKc3IFld-VUZx5H79s1j-ua1gIdSEhopabH5DMA8vewDxHwb0Z_UP58Brf83eNjuz3ZDSsiaq47a4aTyiZ-iIHF5sYr2JuzBcnKG6dh/s1600/steak-n-shake-kit-kat-milkshake.jpg

Lets face it people, McCaf is the best thing that ever happened to us 9Except for maybe the launch of McDonalds back in the day). Right? I mean you get a upbeat space with great coffee and great food. Not to mention, the ambience of all McCafs, which is comfortable, relaxed and oh-so-chic. I personally could spend most of my day at a McCaf, every day with zero complaints. After all, you will most probably have a McDonalds nearby, which makes your food, drink and caffeine needs taken care of.

Whether you are feeling bored, happy or excited, McCaf has something for you, no matter how and what you are feeling. Or not feeling, if you know what I mean. Besides the basics like cappuccino and latte, there is a host of different beverages here. And now, McCaf has come up with three new shakes. Inspired by popular drinks in India, Italy and America, these three shakes at McCaf are all set to offer your senses the creamiest treat.

Now we never have had complaints about the variety and the quality of products offers at McCaf, but McDonalds India (South and West) has, I believe taken it upon themselves to make our McCaf experiences better and better with each passing day. Not only are they constantly innovating and creating new menus for us to try out and relish, they are making sure that each and every item that is put out in the menu sits perfectly with each one of us and our tastes.

My most favorite thing to order and relish at a McCaf used to be a hot cuppa of cappuccino with a drizzle of hazelnut flavour. But after my latest visit to my safe heaven (McCaf), my favorite has been, lets just say, updated. I now have a new McCaf beverage to rave about to my friends and relatives. Behold, the American Mud-Pie Shake. Its the perfect mix of chocolate and a cakey texture that makes your taste buds fly with pleasure. The goodness of this shake can be fathomed only after you take a sip and feel 10 times happier and more satisfied. It a guaranteed food-gasm, yaall. So dont even think of missing out on this delicious shake the next time you visit McCaf.

Another shake to watch out for is the Italian Mocha Shake. This is the one that will blow your mind away if youre a coffee freak. It has a smooth hint of expresso coffee with luxurious chocolate. It a match made in heaven and will sure transport you to one. While also giving you that much needed boost with a shop of expresso.

And if you are a mango lover and heart and all the talk about chocolate and coffee doesnt impress you, go grab yourself an Indian Mango Smoothie. This one takes you right back home, with a super thick and creamy shake made out of real alphonso mangoes. Taste the summer every day with McDonalds new launched under the flavours Without Borders campaign.

Threading Is A Standard Facial Hair Removal Technique

Threading Is A Standard Facial Hair Removal Technique

Image source: http://www.hairfinder.com/techniques/hair-threading.jpg

Historically, threading is a standard facial hair removal technique in Central and South Asia. A very thin cotton thread is twisted and rolled over the areas of extra hair, plucking the
Unwanted hair at the follicle level.
The beauticians who work here know what theyre doing and you leave satisfied with what you pay for. Plus, I go to school in midtown and it couldnt be more conveniently located. Can easily squeeze in a threading or waxing session during lunch.

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The beauticians who work here know what they're doing and you leave satisfied with what you pay for. Plus, I go to school in midtown and it couldn't be more appropriately located. Can easily squeeze in a threading or waxing session during lunch.
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Understanding Food Poisioning

Image source: http://foodschoolhospitality.weebly.com/uploads/2/5/5/7/25574936/6233234.png?936 Food poisoning is an acute gastroenteritis ca...